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The Black Hole

The Black Hole (2006)

June. 10,2006
| Thriller Science Fiction TV Movie

It's 2 A.M. in St. Louis when a routine scientific experiment goes terribly wrong and an explosion shakes the city. A scientific team investigates, clashing with an intergalactic, voltage-devouring creature that vaporizes them.


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Pretty Good


Fresh and Exciting


It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.


THE BLACK HOLE is the usual nonsense science fiction TV movie that was made for the Sci Fi Channel. This one features Kristy Swanson, best known as the actress who originally played BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER in the unsuccessful film made years before the TV series came along, revamped the idea, and was wildly successful. This film sees experimental scientists managing to create their own mini black hole, only to put the world in danger when a monster comes through it.It's ridiculous as it sounds, and pretty pitiful even by the standards of this genre. The film is chock-full of cheesy CGI effects and the creature is rendered invisible which gives it an odd, FORBIDDEN PLANET-style look. The acting is noticeably worse than even in this sub-genre of films, and the characters are so poorly-written as to be one-dimensional. Even genre fans will be hard pretty to enjoy this one.


well,this movie was pretty bad.bad acting,bad story,mediocre special effects,and bad dialogue.the two main actors,Kristy Swanson and Judd Nelson seemed to be phoning in their performances just for a pay check.the supporting cast wasn't great either.the story was silly,and very slow.and i'm no physicist,but i'm guessing a lot of the science was inaccurate.in some movies,that doesn't matter to me.for example f the movie is exciting or has sympathetic characters,or a good storyline.this movie has none of those.i just could not get into this movie,and really just waited for it to end.the ending was abrupt and anti climatic,which isn't really surprising since the whole movie was anti climatic.for me,The Black Hole is a 3/10


I am not going to waste too many words on this simply horrific movie.The only thing that matches the poor acting the inconsistency in the time line and story telling.The Arch which is supposedly torn down by the black hole... can be seen standing in the background near the ending.Additionally.. if they shut down the power... the city lights would've been out. While even at the very end all the lights are still on. Which makes me think... if you know the creature absorbs energy... turn it off straight away! The only thing going for this movie is the alien if self, which doesn't look too bad.Avoid at all costs if you can.

Bo Schreurs

The idea of a black hole being created due to a failed experiment in a experimental lab on our own planet was the thing which made me watch this film. And of course being it a science fiction movie. The first 10 to 15 minutes were not bad, after that it is a complete waste of time. They come with with the idea of alien creature which uses the black hole as a kind of portal to consume electricity on our planet, and which is annoyed by sound. It also uses electric power-lines to move around. The scientists do not explain how it is possible for a being consisting of energy, to emerge from a black hole, which supposedly consumes everything, even light (which is a kind of energy as well), hence the name black hole. It looks like a black hole because the gravity pull of it consumes everything. Not in this movie. The black hole in this movie looks more like a tornado. The best part of the movie is the way they make the Gateway Arch of St. Louis crumble down. Watch this part, and skip the rest, because the rest is a complete waste of time.
