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Game Night
Max and Annie's weekly game night gets kicked up a notch when Max's brother Brooks arranges a murder mystery party -- complete with fake thugs and federal agents. So when Brooks gets kidnapped, it's all supposed to be part of the game. As the competitors set out to solve the case, they start to learn that neither the game nor Brooks are what they seem to be. The friends soon find themselves in over their heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn over the course of one chaotic night.
Game Maya
Gun's fiancee dies in an accident right before their wedding leaving a message in which she blames Khun Kawin for her death. Pim is a famous star and Kawin's fiancee. Gun plans to revenge while presuming the identity of Pim's bodyguard but he slowly finds himself falling for Pim.
Dangerous Game
When Chris gets mixed up with the Russian Mafia and Algerian Gangsters while trying to help his best friend pay off a large debt, he has to decide if he puts his career on the rocks by embarking on a spree of dangerous robberies that could end up with him in prison, or possibly dead.
Kaufman's Game
Kaufman's Game follows Stanley, an unemployed young man with a passion for boxing, who is keen to improve his strength and stamina. When a stranger approaches him outside the gym with the offer of a specially produced steroid, Stanley is drawn into the ever more violent operations of a powerful organisation, unwittingly entering into a series of tests designed to prove his mettle. This is a film about power, determination and being your own worst enemy. It celebrates the archetypes of classic Film Noir, and the dark, conspiratorial storytelling technique of Franz Kafka, but with a contemporary minimalist aesthetic.
Joker Game
Taking place in the year 1937 on the eve of World War II, the story involves a mysterious spy training organization known as the "D Agency." The organization is established by Lieutenant Colonel Yuuki from the Imperial Japanese Army. His ideals lead him to recruit people beyond military academy graduates and personnel, while training them to become skilled agents in arts of manipulation. These agents would become a specialized team to conduct operations. One such antihero agent, under the name Jirou Gamou, goes on a harrowing mission to uncover secret documents titled "Black Notes," while battling forces from within and without his own ranks.
Mirror Game
Ayna is an actor and the prison is his stage. He slips into the characters of the powerful convicted in exchange of money and take their place in prison. This strange profession is borne out of a society that doesn't give him a chance to follow his passion of acting, but forces him to act in the real life. Falling in love with the girl next door changes his life equation and he decides to end this career with one last performance. But this one takes him too deep in the rabbit hole. The story unfolds on how an underdog survives in a society that is merciless and struggles his way out from the clutch of crime game which he is a part too.
The Game
"The Game" is a 1970s Cold War spy thriller set in the world of espionage. It tells the story of the invisible war fought by MI5 as it battles to protect the nation from the threats of the Cold War.
Game Plan
Game Plan is a Singaporean Chinese drama which debuted on 9 October 2012. This series was produced by Wawa Pictures. The original title was "Tricked", but was changed later on. The Chinese title is an idiom which is literally translated as "thousand ways, hundred plans", and means to use every method available in order to achieve one's goal, which loosely implies "by hook or by crook".
Game Change
During the Republican run of the 2008 Presidential election, candidate John McCain picks a relative unknown, Alaskan governor Sarah Palin, to be his running mate. As the campaign kicks into high gear, her lack of experience, in both political and media savvy, becomes a drain upon McCain and his strategists.
Game Changers
Game Changers focuses on regular people who have invented something real and profound that are going to change our world.