The Amazing Screw-On Head (2006)
Based on the award-winning comic book by Mike Mignola (creator of Hellboy), The Amazing Screw-On Head chronicles the adventures of a Civil War-era secret agent with an extraordinary special power who serves under president Abraham Lincoln.
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Perfectly adorable
Expected more
The first must-see film of the year.
.Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
I'm pretty sure the creators sat down and made a list of everything cool they could think of. Zombies, werewolves, and vampires? Check. Super-heroes and mad scientists? Check. Hilarity and spoof? Check. Abraham Lincoln? Check.The best part was how much of it they were able to fit into 26 minutes, with barely enough time to laugh between such excellent dialog as "He was kidnapped by two old women... and a monkey." This would have been a GREAT television series. Oh well, some other time. Maybe it still has the opportunity to go the way of Family Guy and have a rebirth through DVD sales and rentals. So, yeah, get at 'em. This is as good as some of the best features of Adult Swim.--PolarisDiB
As a big fan of Chris Prynoski, I just hate to say, "I don't get it," or at least I don't get the hype. The science fiction of the Civil War era wears out quickly and soon falls prey to a collection of off-the-shelf movie monsters that our grandparents used to watch who were portrayed by Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney, Jr. among others, (have I given away too much?). The animation varies from very detailed to what seems like four frames per second. And funny? No, not really. Maybe I'll try it again, but if you've ever seen Downtown created by Chris Prynoski, I think you'll find that this doesn't compare when it comes to humor.
If you missed Amazing Screw-On Head from Sci-Fi channel, then rent, buy or download it now! This short animated film is brilliant, hilarious, and perfectly employs the visual textures and grimy, baroque aesthetic of Mike Mignola's world. It uses elements of Lovecraft, Universal Monsters, steampunk mecha, and Wild Wild West to plunge the viewer into a completely absorbing adventure.Amazing Screw-On Head is stylistically superior to both the 2004 live-action Hellboy and the 2006 Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms. This production has more in common with Mignola's concept work on Bram Stoker's Dracula, Blade II, and Disney's Atlantis. His monsters are both horrific and lovable, his hero is upright (when attached to his body), and his villains are truly sinister.Attn Cartoon Network and Sci-Fi: Screw-On Head should be a template for future Hellboy and BPRD animated specials.
This was the best show I've seen all summer. I didn't really know what to expect, and then managed to sit in some peace and quiet and watch it.Wow.A perfect 1/2 hour of television, no matter what the medium. The story moved, the look was unique, the dialogue, the framing, the voices... were all perfect. TV has come a long, long way....I sure hope this becomes a series.Kudos to Mike Mignola, Dark Horse, the team that did this gem, and sci-fi channel.Now...give us ...MORE :)