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Megamind (2010)

November. 04,2010
| Animation Action Comedy Science Fiction

After Megamind, a highly intelligent alien supervillain, defeats his long-time nemesis Metro Man, Megamind creates a new hero to fight, but must act to save the city when his "creation" becomes an even worse villain than he was.


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Let's be realistic.


Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.


Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.


I liked Megamind, but I didn't love it. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something was missing from this animated feature. Nevertheless, it's got interesting characters, great voice work and fun animation. I recommend seeing it once - you may just love it.


Good and quite funny, but didn't come close to reaching full potential. Repeated gags and imagery, flat characters, an overused Soundtrack, and the animation, while not bad in any way, had nothing else to offer, aside from Megamind's entrance into the Final Battle. It is a nice ensemble cast, full of likable actors (and AN actress), but again, not much more to offer other than that. None of them seemed to really delve into their characters. But that's the fault of the script. It takes short-cuts for comedic effect, at the expense of real characterization. But, I mean, it's for children, so it's a perfectly fine movie.Although it kind of seems weird to me, that they hugged instead of kissed in the end. I mean, come on. It's a Happy Ending. Let them kiss, for crying out loud. No child will be traumatized by the sight of that. Kids are not stupid.

Ole Sandbaek Joergensen

I saw this the other day, with my two kids and wife at the cinema, this is a great movie, even though it's quite different from other superhero animations, you can't help compare it to them. As such a comparison goes, this has some great new stuff, but it is lacking some of the heroism that is often seen in these kind of movies.It's a really fun movie for the kids, but animation today tend to have something for the grownups as well, this does have a few things, but it is mostly for the kids. I don't mean this in a bad sense, that's good that it's main focus is on the kids and can really entertain them.It is entertaining all the way through, a bit chaotic at times and seems to jump or leave out some scenes, but all-in-all it works very well.

Python Hyena

Megamind (2010): Dir: Tom McGrath / Voices: Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, David Cross: Grand masterpiece animation about exploration between good and evil. Megamind is propelled to evil while his counterpart Metro Man always saved the day. When he finally succeeds everything becomes dull until he decides to create a new superhero to dire consequence. Directed by Tom McGrath with glorious colorful images including our hilarious big blue-headed anti-hero voiced by Will Ferrell. Megamind is such a failure that when he does succeed, he cannot grasp its reality. A great story point regards how he and Metro Man landed on Earth and how they were brought up, but it is inevitable that the good inside him is the product of ignorance. Tina Fey voices Roxanne Ritchi, a reporter caught between several suitors. She has been abducted so many times and fell witness to so many schemes that she can merely criticize Megamind's methods. Jonah Hill voices her cameraman who will become the accidental successor to Megamind who had intentions with his powers that ultimately became the product that places Megamind in position to accept what he never accepted or realized. Brad Pitt voices Metro Man, tired of the routine heroism to the point where defeat is a welcome sigh of relief. David Cross voices Megamind's sidekick who happens to be a gold fish and smarter than he is. The animation is colorful with many hilarious comic lines thrown out with full blown sarcasm. Great animated filmmaking about crossing over to the greener, or bluer grasses. Score: 10 / 10
