GANTZ:O (2016)
After being brutally murdered in a subway station, a teen boy awakens to find himself resurrected by a strange computer named Gantz, and forced to fight a large force of invading aliens in Osaka.
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Truly Dreadful Film
Highly Overrated But Still Good
One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Hav never been a fan of certain Japanese films due to their weird gore n story. Havent read any of their manga. As for the Gantz, without having any exposure to its video game, manga, anime n action films, i was pleasantly surprised n happy to see this movie on a dvd. Imagine the fun on big screen. In one word, Gantz:O is an impressive visual spectacle. The movie is filled with style, awesome action sequences n terrific monster designs. The monsters were good. The editing is top notch n thankfully the hand held cam stuff n quick cut editing is nada n most of the action happens in proper light so you can actually follow what is going on. The characters appeared realistic with their facial expressions n body language. After watching this movie, i have become a fan of the Gantz series n looking forward to its sequels. They hav included one weird scene, a weird old man transforms into a naked woman n then into multiple naked women... after all its a Jap movie.
This movie is very well animated, however it has no other redeeming qualities at all. The dubbing is terrible, all the characters are just anime stereotypes, every scene is beyond over-dramatic, and there is an underling misogynistic tone that makes this movie completely unbearable. If you like anime I cannot recommend this, if you like to watch bad movies because you think they're funny, I cannot recommend this because there is nothing funny about how bad it is. It's just bad.
I have nothing to add to the other 10 out of 10 reviews for this amazing movie, except to say that the backstory doesn't matter. I don't read Manga and had no idea what this series was about and it didn't diminish my enjoyment at all. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to grasp the premise of the movie. Just sit back and enjoy one heck of a ride. The animation was jaw-dropping and the character development was spot on. I was actually rooting for most of the characters and the monsters were terrifically horrible. This movie was perfection. It's easily one of the 10 best movies I've seen in the last year. Treat yourself.
Gantz:O It's completely based on Osaka arc (not present in anime, just in Manga), this is one of the best arc of Gantz and one of the most incredible battles ever to come, the film takes a few small liberties just for Putting some characters in a simpler context of comprehension, is an extreme homage to the fans who were not disappointed at all and an excellent inter-training for anyone who has never heard of gantz, since it brings a film with moments of tension and unparalleled quality visual.