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Dawn of the Dead

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

March. 19,2004
| Horror Action Science Fiction

A group of survivors take refuge in a shopping mall after the world is taken over by aggressive, flesh-eating zombies.


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Best movie of this year hands down!


People are voting emotionally.


just watch it!


This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows


Dawn Of The Dead its a remake of the original horror classic by George Romero, the remake was directed by Zack Snyder, who I love, and its written by James Gunn, another good filmmaker.I believe that this film its actually better that the original by George Romero, but the original was so great for its time, so fresh and groundbreaking, that it doesn't seem fair to compare them.The remake its filled with action, tension and great directing, acting and writing, the original was also really good, but it seemed a little cheesy at times, even for a zombie film.As a film, Dawn Of The Dead its pretty good, it took a really good film and made it better and gave more depth to it.


The remake of Dawn of the dead follows a new set of survivors taking sanctuary in a mall.Sarah Polly was a gem as a nurse who loses her husband and has to cope in a world turned upside down.The zombies were frightening from their look, speed and ferocious need to eat like a hungry lion.Atmospher else the mall was a little well light. Maybe having the generator go out or having the characters father in the conned webbed basement would suffice.The characters each had arches that I enjoyed from new relationships, shopping and trying to keep the mall secured. It was interesting to see different groups come together as a united unite and survive. A cop, gangster, nurse and a few social odd balls made me laugh, cry and care what happened to them.The ending could've used more work as I usually don't Like when everyone does. Other then that it was perfectly made and should've won best script of the year.


I thought the original "Dawn of the Dead" sucked. It was long, boring, not as funny as it thought it was, boring, it had no character development at all, and it was boring. Thankfully, this movie completely destroys it. Instead of just watching cardboard cutouts walking around a mall with stupid looking zombies for 100 minutes, the movie has a constant pace. The action starts within the first 5 minutes, and the pace doesn't slow down from there. The characters actually have personalities, the zombies are a real threat, and there are some pretty funny lines as well. Basically, everything the original wishes it had. There are only two real flaws, and one isn't that big of a deal. The first problem is Nicole, who is probably one of the stupidest characters I've ever seen. And the second is the ending that happens during the credits. Everyone ends up getting killed by zombies after they thought they escaped. The problem with this ending is that is feels like a troll, not nearly as bad as "The Mist", but it's pretty deflating. I don't like how the only two major characters in the movie are killed off-screen during the credits. But, you can avoid this by just not watching the credits, so it's not that big of a deal.


When I heard that this loose remake of the Romero classic was scripted by the guy who also did SCOOBY DOO, I cried. Then I went to the cinema to see for myself (no matter what reviews might say, it's always worth checking out movies for yourself; sometimes you might be pleasantly surprised). As it stands, DAWN OF THE DEAD is an acceptable remake-cum-horror-thriller which uses the original film as a basis for the story and then moves on from there. Luckily, it's not too similar to the '70s classic; half the film is set in the mall and the rest is an extended chase between humans and zombies. The zombies here are quite good although, I have to say, I prefer the slow-moving variety to the animalistic killers in this and 28 DAYS LATER. Special effects have progressed to a grimly realistic level and the film is packed with enough grue and gore and spraying blood to please any avid horror fan.As a plus, the film retains a grip on characterisation and deals with some fleshed-out people. The acting of the leads is great. Sarah Polley (looking uncannily like Gaylen Ross) is a strong-willed heroine, Ving Rhames is the tough, silent, kick-ass cop. Kudos to Jake Weber for his excellent turn as the group's leader, and especially Michael Kelly, who starts off as an idiot security guard and ends up being the most heroic of them all. Fans of the original will enjoy seeing Ken Foree, Scott Reiniger and Tom Savini in brief cameos on the televisions.I had mixed feelings about the direction, but for the most part it's good. The last half an hour employs camera-shaking, jumpy music-style shots to depict a bus chase. I enjoyed it, but I couldn't have put up with it for that long. There are many enjoyable and surprising moments, like the games played with Andy from the gun store, and the use of a chainsaw which ends in calamity. There's an ambiguous ending, but if you stay and watch the credits you'll see that things become a lot more downbeat. Special effects of the decaying, mutilated zombies are disturbingly real and there are some automobile accidents that'll have you watching with your mouth open. Watch out for the zombies being crushed and mown down by trucks, some of my favourite moments. Particularly good is the first ten minutes, which puts across the hopelessness of the sudden destruction of society in a way I found to be particularly frightening. Strong horror entertainment, hopefully we'll see more like this.
