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Thir13en Ghosts

Thir13en Ghosts (2001)

October. 26,2001
| Horror Thriller

Arthur and his two children inherit his uncle's estate: a glass house that serves as a prison to twelve ghosts. When the family, accompanied by a nanny and an attorney, enter the house they find themselves trapped inside an evil machine 'designed by the Devil and powered by the dead' to open the Eye of Hell. Aided by a ghost hunter and his rival, a ghost rights activist out to set the ghosts free, the group must do what they can to get out of the house alive.


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Lack of good storyline.


A lot of fun.


Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.


Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.


a good film. with the worst critics. it is the result of a strange vision to see the details are more important than the entire movie. yes, the house, the ghosts are the real virtues of film. but the desire to create the perfect atmosphere for a horror remains the basic mistake. because the actors, the story itself are the first victims of a huge preoccupation for appearances. and the film becomes a kind of bird with one wing. this is all. sure, for the fans of genre , it is a title who must see. but for the others, "Thir13en Ghosts" remains just a title. and nothing more, decent but not good enough.

Python Hyena

Thir13en Ghosts (2001): Dir: Steve Beck / Cast: Tony Shalhoub, Matthew Lillard, Embeth Davidtz, F. Murray Abrahams, Shannon Elizabeth: Dreadfully loud and stupid film that is way over budget and too loud. F Murray Abraham plays a man who is totally out of his mind and desperately needs mental counseling. He seeks to capture thirteen ghosts and accompanied by a meathead Ghostbuster played by Matthew Lillard. Abrahams dies and a relative family gain possession of the massive house. They meet a cynical lawyer who is severed in half vertically and we are given the glorious image of his guts sliding down the glass. There is thirteen ghosts concealed in the basement as occupying an apartment complex. The ghosts get loose, thanks to stupidity and go on a killing spree until Embeth Davidtz appears as another Ghostbuster. Director Steve Beck could have spilled toxic waste on the floor and got better footage. It is every bit as fetching as toilet waste. Horrible acting by Abrahams, Lillard and Davidtz as well as Tony Shalhoub. Abrahams in particular should have known better since he is famous for his performance in the far greater Amadeus. Shannon Elizabeth goes from sexy image to idiot in this film. The special effects are massive but the film is graphic and disgusting and should be placed in a paper shredder to become a much prettier mess. Score: 1 / 10


A widower (Tony Shalhoub) with two kids learns he's inherited his dead uncle's house. It's not just any house, though, as the family finds out when they move in. The house is basically a glass prison for ghosts the uncle had captured. There's also some stuff about a machine but I'll let you watch to figure that out. Anyway, the family and some other folks become trapped inside the house with the ghosts. Oh heavens whatever will they do...Effects-driven remake of the William Castle classic isn't as much fun as the original but tries in its way. There's certainly a lot of scenery chewing going on. Unfortunately, there's too much emphasis on CGI and gore and not enough attention paid to actually making a scary movie. Director Steve Beck used to work for ILM, so I suppose it should come as no surprise he only cared about the special effects. The sets are nice, though, I'll give it that. The acting ranges from fine (Tony Shalhoub) to inept (Alec Roberts) to absolutely terrible (Matthew Lillard, one of the worst actors of all time). Also prepare yourself for Rah Digga's embarrassing turn as the stereotypical sassy black nanny. If it weren't for the profanity and people being bisected alive, I would've wondered what decade this was made in. Worth a look if you're into these types of things but, if you're hoping for a suspenseful and scary movie, look elsewhere.


A really solid attempt for a horror movie. It's something different that has aged really well. I found myself questioning what would happen next even though I had seen it when it first came out. Also the claustrophobic trapped factor is something that heightens the fear factor. Some horror movies are pathetic in the fact that all the victims need to do is walk out the front door but no that would be too easy.It's awesome seeing a cast that have developed so much over time and have just gotten better with age. Also the ghosts feel like characters themselves and it would be great to find out more about them. They seem so unique and I would love to know what drives them and their motives behind what they do. That may have made the movie comical and lacking fear though, kind of like Eddie Murphy's The Haunted Mansion. Oh and the Cyrus character is just plain old batsh!t crazy and kind of a jerk.But as far as horror movies go I really enjoyed it and found it to be full of suspense and fear.
