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The Other Guys

The Other Guys (2010)

August. 06,2010
| Action Comedy

Unlike their heroic counterparts on the force, desk-bound NYPD detectives Gamble and Hoitz garner no headlines as they work day to day. When a seemingly minor case turns out to be a big deal, the two cops get the opportunity to finally prove to their comrades that they have the right stuff.


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It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional


I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.


The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.


Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg are hilarious gems that bring color and joy to the screen whenever they appear. This is far more than a cop movie. Everyone's acting throughout the movie is exciting and I feel this movie deserves a sequel instead of Daddy's Home.

Paul Gomes

I would agree with many other reviewers that the best part of this film is early on. I was not quite sure when it started to lose it and was not fully conscious of it at the time. Sort of like how a frog will jump out of a hot pot immediately but if you boil it slowly it will stay there until it dies. With this film by the time I realized that it was gone it was too late. It was a slow gradual decline, but with moments here and there that would give you hope for it pulling it back together.Overall the film was a reasonably entertaining spoof on The NeverEnding stream of police/crime action films. It plays on many of the tropes of that genre and it's ridiculousness is a reflection of those tropes and the genre itself. I was surprised though that the plot was relatively coherent and maintained its own internal consistency. I'm used to most films like this not even trying to avoid plot holes, but rather lazily Revel in them. In this film almost everything ties back into the plot in some way. So while it often had a very juvenile humor, it also had a rather clever plot line that could be appreciated by someone more intellectual. This might make the film a good choice for a father and son to watch together.I would have rated closer to 7 for the first part and more like three for the final segments. I'll put it at 5 overall. I should note that it is still funnier and in better taste than anything Adam Sandler did ever.


For the first thirty minutes The Other Guys promises to be one of the best comedies of the year and a rating of a nine or ten. With witty dialogue, extremely funny jokes and great acting from Will Farrell, Mark Wahlberg, Samuel L Jackson and Dwayne Johnson, (the Rock). Farrell is at his funniest at first as a mild-mannered "forensic accountant" with no ambition to get out from behind his desk. He got into policing because he liked all the paperwork. Wahlberg is just as amusing as his reluctant partner, a frustrated man of action with anger management issues, especially when it comes to his partner. Trigger management is another problem. He's been confined to desk duties ever since he accidentally shot a famous baseball-player for trespassing in his own stadium.Several funny sequences early on are funny with the dialogue witty. One in particular is a classical exchange of conversation between Farrell and Wahlberg about which would win in a fight between lions and a tuna. There's a clever moment when they experience just how loud one of those explosions is when you're close to it – not at all like it is in the movies. Also Johnson and Jackson appearing twice in a small cameo get some great jokes, with how they are allowed to get away with millions of dollars in collateral damage in order to make a minor drugs bust. Also the part when they jump off a twenty storey building to go after some criminals who raided a jewelry store, where they say they will land in the "bush," but splatter themselves to death on the pavement is a classic. I also enjoyed the absurdity of the fight between cops at a funeral, with all of them whispering insults as they roll around on the floor, so as not to be disrespectful of the dead. The first half hour is directed with skill by Adam McKay as the laughs keep constantly coming keeping me highly entertained. So why do I give this only a five star out of a ten? That's because after thirty minutes have past. The film becomes desperately dull as Jackson and Johnson disappear with a lot of the fun. A plot of white coaler crime involving a dodgy financier Steve Coogan is boring and uninvolving with Coogan being deeply unfunny. The jokes with respect to the script become repetitive like when Walhberg kept saying how hot Farrel's wife is played by Eva Mendes at least five times, dreary catchphrases and some disgusting jokes about homeless people having orgies in a car and jokes about urination and penises put me right off. It's as though the scriptwriters have been replaced by someone who hasn't got a clue how to write one. The second half hour isn't too bad as I did chuckle a few times but the last forty five minutes is at it's worst with me only laughing twice as the comedy all but disappeared. Another problem for me after thirty minutes was that Farrell and Walhberg started to get on my nerves, particularly Walhberg who kept shouting all the time. It was hard to award this in the end as it started off as a nine or a ten and then dwindled down to a one, so I compromised with a five star. I'm glad I saw the first half hour, but in the end I was extremely disappointed as in terms of wasted comic potential it's the most disappointing picture of the year.

Stephen Abell

Will Ferrell is like Marmite, you either like him or you don't; I am of the latter persuasion, though I am guilty of enjoying Blades of Fury.This film just didn't do anything for me, either as a comedy, thriller, or buddy-buddy action movie. Most of the better scenes were absent of Mr Ferrell. For me, the best parts of the movie was the ingenious opening sequence that created a fantastic satirical parody of every action movie filmed.The other laugh-out-loud scene was when Will Ferrell's character, Allen Gamble, introduces his partner, Terry Hoitz (played well by Mark Wahlberg) to his wife Dr Sheila Gamble (nicely acted by Eva Mendes). This is a well thought out and well written bit of comedy, shame Will Ferrell was in it, his over-acting very nearly spoiled the piece.If it wasn't for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Samual L Jackson, and Mark Wahlberg this would not be as good a Will Ferrell vehicle as it isn't.If Mr Ferrell makes you laugh and puts a smile on your face then this movie is for you. Otherwise, just search for the two scenes I've rated and you'll have seen the best parts of the film.
