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Slither (2006)

March. 31,2006
| Horror Comedy Science Fiction

A small town is taken over by an alien plague, turning residents into zombies and all forms of mutant monsters.


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If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .


I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible


This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.


As "yet another body-snatchers invasion movie" (YABSIM), it's OK. The main "problem" is that it seems that it could have been more.Elizabeth Banks is not as pretty as she can be and Nathan Fillion is not as funny as he can be, so, the two main things that could have made it "more than a YABSIM" are misfires.The script could have been better also, we could have had much more suspense and mystery and less simple gore. So, script could have done the "escape from YABSIM" and/or made a better YABSIM.There are many issues, but, most are OK, as this is a silly movie, after all, so, we don't expect much. But, the "alien grows by embedding humans" is particularly badly done, from writing, to directing, acting...Bottom-line: if you like decently done light horrors with some humor, this one is for you. Otherwise, pass, there's nothing in it for you.

Bathe Her And Bring Her To Me

Not a horror movie, not a comedy, or a drama...It is a classical, well written Monster Movie that makes you glad you watched it.... The actors are very well cast, and did a professional acting job, The jokes are evenly spaced with the action without seeming stupid.. You will not feel ripped-off for watching.


*SIGH* Well......... *SIGH* I really wanted to like this. I love James Gunn, Dawn Of The Dead was great, Super was amazing, Lolypop Chainsaw was amazing and the Guardians of the Galaxy films are the best Marvel Films. After seeing and playing those games and films I wanted to see his directorial debut. I get what this film was going for, it wanted to be a schlocky comedy horror, and the second half was that... but the first half wasn't, and I quite literally mean half, I can pinpoint the exact second it turns into a great film, 45:00. But this is an hour and a half long film. The problem with the first half was that it was boring. Thats what makes it worse then the second half, they both half the same problems but the second half is very entertaining. But let me be clear it would not be a 10/10 if the whole film was as entertaining as the second, just a 7/10. One of the biggest problems is the effects,there are some great practical effects, but it is littered with very very very very sh*t CGI. Another is a romantic subplot that is useless, and has no payoff.If those 3 problems where fixed I'm pretty sure this film could have been an 8/10 and recommendable to anyone, but the way it was I would only recommend it to people that enjoy horror schlock.

Davis P

Slither is definitely a pretty weak film. It's just not engaging or entertaining, it's actually pretty bland and boring. The dialogue really isn't anything all that great or original, it's pretty run of the mill and derivative actually. And this movie fails at being funny and at being scary, it's supposed to be a horror comedy, yet it fails pretty epically at being funny and or scary, so to me, it just fell short at being what it was made to be. Elizabeth Banks was alright In it I guess, I mean her and all the actors were just alright at best, nothing to fuss about. And this movie is nasty too, I mean it's gross, the slime and the disgusting visuals didn't really elevate the film at all. I was looking at the clock during this movie going oh my god when will this end lol. Because it truly was just that boring. It didn't really seem like they cared much about this movie during filming. I mean I can't blame them if they didn't care about it, it's crap lol. 2/10 for slither.
