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The Trust

The Trust (2016)

May. 13,2016
| Drama Thriller Crime

A pair of cops investigating a drug invasion stumble upon a mysterious bank vault.


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A story that's too fascinating to pass by...

Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one


what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.


Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

Matt Greene

Another deep dive into Netflix has yielded a surprising little gem that starts lighter and funnier than I expected, before sliding into a mess of lies and death. Cage and Wood have great chemistry, bolstered by the sharp patter in the script. It's a steady snowball of tragedy whose plot isn't quite shocking but has plenty of unexpected turns around each corner.


I had a hard time following this movie. The Vegas PD must be furious that cops on their force were portrayed in the movie to be bad cops. The Vegas PD goes to great lengths to find cops that are not likely to fall to temptation in sin city. That aside, why would Cage so casually pick Wood to be his accomplice when he had carefully planned the big heist.


'THE TRUST': Four Stars (Out of Five)A heist flick, starring Nicolas Cage and Elijah Wood! The two play down on their luck police officers, that decide to rob a drug dealer together; by breaking into his secret safe, that they just recently learned about. It was directed by Alex and Benjamin Brewer, and it was scripted by Benjamin and Adam Hirsch. The movie features Sky Ferreira, Ethan Suplee, Steven Williams and the legendary Jerry Lewis in supporting roles. It's received mixed reviews from critics, and it got a limited indie theatrical run at the Box Office (as well as a VOD release). I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to!Sergeant David Waters (Wood) and Lieutenant Jim Stone (Cage) are friends, that both work for the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department together (in the Evidence Management unit). They're both struggling financially, and they're also both tired of their jobs. So when Jim learns that a local drug dealer keeps all of his valuable merchandise in one building, the two decide to rob it together. Stone is completely committed to the idea, and quite obsessive about it, while Waters is reluctant to go along with the plan. David quickly regrets his decision, when things become much more complicated than they expected.The movie is a surprisingly well made crime drama; it's often intense, and involving, and the characters are pretty well developed. Wood and Cage are also both perfectly cast in their roles; and you get to see another great manic performance from Cage, but this time in a good film (which doesn't happen frequently enough lately). I also really like the style and music of the movie. It's just an all around entertaining heist flick. It's a little dark, and depressing, but it's also a lot of fun.Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' review at: https://youtu.be/RO7ghqXHCCY


Two cops discover a vault that may contain incredible riches. They decide to pull a heist, but everything does not go according to plan. This is a tonally uneven film that is under-realised in terms of characterisation and plot. The two leads act well enough, and the implied contrast holds potential. But one would like to know what this vast wealth will mean to these two men, and how it will change their lives. Unfortunately, we are never told, but go very quickly into a lot of drilling and busting open of metal doors. Cage does have a father but seems happy to fly to Bermuda and leave him behind. Apparently Cage wanted to be on screen with Jerry Lewis, who plays his father, which explains why that whole aspect seems like an after-thought at best. The volte-face by one of the character's seems random - "These bad guys we are robbing might be really bad guys" - and his decision to make a concession completely telegraphs the ending. Cool soundtrack, and the film has some flashes of cinematic quality, but it is all bitty and seems like a work-in-progress. You've seen this film many times before, and done better most of the time.
