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Unity (2015)

August. 12,2015
| Documentary

Despite the advent of science, literature, technology, philosophy, religion, and so on -- none of these has assuaged humankind from killing one another, the animals, and nature. UNITY is a film about why we can't seem to get along, even after thousands and thousands of years.


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everything you have heard about this movie is true.


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

Patience Watson

One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.


Alright, what is this NASA teaching in second scene? Even "It's one step for the man.." sound appear and scene from "Moon Landing" when most people simply knows that "Moon Landing" was a job of Stanley Kubrick who was kinda forced to do it for state. Further, we see only CGI's in scenes(after cows in beginning) and horendeous propaganda of all kind. Even "I do support freedom to marry" scene from gay protest is shown. -It starts awesome but after cows slaughterhouse scene, harsh propaganda and social conditioning is permanently there. Not only narration speaks to us like this documentary is for children's with special needs but, we also have a hard core promotion of SJW'sm, Liberalism, freedom of all kind("Do What Thou Wilth" Satanic type) and promotion of New Age in this documentary. Not even close to Earthlings who's almost 10/10 This documentary can get 2/10 in best wish.


Compelling, eye-opening, heartbreaking, beautiful, truthful and above all, necessary. Everyone needs to watch this. From the very first seconds of the film, your heart pauses...it breaks, it aches and your mind races. It will take you on a journey of self-discovery, examine your moral code, reconsider behaviors you took for granted and force an introspective review of your life. It puts perspective to the relative minute importance of humans, yet the impact our selfishness and arrogance has had on fellow earthlings and our planet. The film will make you cry, it will anger you, sometimes it will be extremely hard to watch but you won't be able to stop watching. This documentary is fuel for THE social movement of our times, it is hope for our planet and humanity.

Carol-Mae Barton

A powerful documentary depicting the very best and worst of humanity. A call for humans to evolve and to move beyond our current barbarity.- An exploration of the human ego and the destructive part it has played in our history. As the title suggests the documentary is a call for unity, leaning on the teachings of gurus such as Sri Ramana and more recently Eckhart Tolle. The documentary was heavily geared towards veganism, but though there were some upsetting scenes of animal abuse I wouldn't imagine they were as graphic as those in Earthlings, which I have only heard about, but have never been able to watch. It is a documentary that everyone should see. It allowed us to look objectively at what we are doing to our home the earth, and all that lives on it. Perhaps in doing so it will help instigate some positive change.

Mark James

I was a huge fan of Earthlings, and Unity comes from the same people so I had high hopes for Unity, and it did not disappoint. I have just returned from the premier and was a sell out, which is rare on a Wednesday evening. I would comfortably say this has to be the best documentary I have seen, and takes the number one spot on my list. The documentary attempts to explain we come from the same place and are all one, so why do we will each other.I would highly recommend seeing this thought provoking documentary. This was the only movie I have been to that people have stood up to clap.
