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Derailed (2005)

November. 11,2005
| Drama Thriller

When two married business executives having an affair are blackmailed by a violent criminal, they are forced to turn the tables on him to save their families.


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I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.


Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.


if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

Leoni Haney

Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.


This is one of those movies that my wife picked out for us to watch several years ago. I thought surely it was some sappy love story as it stars Jennifer A. whom I am not a fan of. The movie did surprise me as it played and the story unfolded. It was well done overall and surely was not of the romance genre. Its fairly believable with a typical business man, his ho-hum life, family, work etc etc and then walks in Jennifer A. who turns it around for him, yet the situation turns violent and the character cannot go to the police or his wife. The ending was well played and thought out with a few unexpected surprise, twists and lots of decent action. It ends with a man doing what he must to survive and protect himself and his future. I recommend watching this movie, its a few years old now but well worth the time.


Charles (Clive Owen) and Deanna Schine (Melissa George) are in a troubled marriage. Their sick daughter Amy (Addison Timlin) notices. He meets Lucinda Harris (Jennifer Aniston) on the train to work. They flirt and start to meet more often. He's having trouble at work as a financial adviser. He's saving money for anti-rejection drugs for Amy's kidney transplant. After betting Lucinda that he could kiss her without touching her, they go to a sleazy hotel together. LaRoche (Vincent Cassel) hold them up and rapes Lucinda. She tells him not to call the cops. LaRoche soon starts blackmailing him. He tells ex-con Winston Boyko who works at his company.The sick daughter really screws things up. It makes it hard to sympathize with Charles who is cheating not only on Deanna but also Amy. Then he gives away the money for his daughter's health. It all adds up to a lot of wrong motivations. The twist is both obvious and unearned. Aniston keeps the movie compelling and Vincent Cassel is a good cartoon villain. However it is simply too manipulative and too many things go wrong. Although the bar bet is pretty smooth.


Question: Do you generally like thrillers? If the answer is 'Yes' then you should appreciate this. It's nothing special, but there's just about enough to it to warrant investing an hour and a half of your time into it. Sure, you may not remember it in twenty years, but I think you'll be entertained nonetheless.For a start you have two decent leads – Clive Owen and Jennifer Aniston and they always turn in pretty decent performances. They play a couple of high-flying city executives who meet by coincidence on a train and begin an affair. Let's just say things go downhill for the pair of them pretty soon after that.You may notice that I'm steering clear of mentioning too much about the plot. Basically, the reason is that the plot – although nothing absolutely amazing – is one of the film's selling points. If I told you too much about what happens, it would definitely detract from the film's enjoyment as you'd probably start guessing (correctly) what was going to happen.There's enough to it to raise it above the masses of 'straight-to-DVD' B-movies out there. Fans of the two leads will obviously enjoy it more and anyone who likes something just that little bit tense should be entertained by it.Obviously, there are a couple of moments where you may find yourself yelling at the screen, "But I wouldn't do that!" You're just going to have to accept that on-screen characters don't always do what we would. Don't let it ruin the film for you. It's better than a few nit-picked gripes with the overall plot.Nothing too special, just solid.


5/10 Good story line but not something you will rave about to your friends the next day.The story had a lot of potential but the slow start and really weak and unrealistic ending really brought the movie down. The ending was so ill thought out it was comical.The affair couple have the same expression on their face the entire movie; dull personality and dull expressions.It's a decent movie to have a quiet night at home and relax to with a glass of wine with a loved one. Chances of the male falling asleep are about 65%. I struggled to keep my man awake for the first half of the movie.To sum it up; if its free and there is nothing else on give it a go, if you miss it you aren't missing out on much.
