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The Truth About Emanuel

The Truth About Emanuel (2014)

January. 10,2014
| Drama Thriller

A troubled young woman becomes obsessed with her mysterious new neighbor, who bears a striking resemblance to the girl's dead mother.


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You won't be disappointed!


hyped garbage


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.


I loved this movie! It's beautifully shot, wonderfully acted, and has a complex and existential meaning throughout.This movie is about death, loss, letting go and the uniqueness of a mothers love. Its about an odd teenage girl. You immediately get the sense that something is off, as she's narrating to you that she feels as though she's killed her mother during birth. It immediately strikes a deep level of sadness within you to imagine growing up without a mother....without her touch, without her holding you as a baby and singing to you, holding to her to her breast and making you feel safe and secure. And you see that level of sadness that she carries around like a burden. She narrates that she feels she's being punished for "killing her mother".The girl is incredibly smart and imaginative. Which I enjoyed. She may be a bit of a snarky teenager but who could blame her in her circumstances. Jessica B. aka Linda does a really good job being the symbol for that eternally warm motherly feel. The way she dotes on her baby and projects a level of love that is only kind of love a mother could give.... you understand the longing Emanuel has for being the object of that love.Water continually shows up in this film and it does for a reason. After reading some comments and reviews on IMDb I find that a lot of people didn't understand that the water in the movie symbolized to be the medium that is between birth (life beginning) and death (life ending). There is a deeply moving scene where Emanuel cradles the "baby" in her arms and lays in the fetal position until water completely consumes her. She is not panicked and can breathe just as her mother described to her father about a dream she had right before she gave birth to Emanuel. I also noticed that there is kind of a mirrored scenario between Emanuel and Linda. Emanuel lost her mother when she was a baby and Linda lost her baby. There is a part in the movie when she asks her father a profound question echoed throughout the movie of "did you ever wonder what it would've been like if I died and mom lived?" And you see exactly what would've happened through Linda. I loved the resolution in the film. And I am not ashamed to admit I was crying like a baby at the end. They both have a cathartic moment of acceptance of their circumstances. And I for one thought it was a brilliant ending to bury the baby at the site of her mothers grave giving her mother the gift of taking care of that baby eternally. And in doing this Emanuel finds her meaning and the reason she lived.... to help this loving mother to deal with the grief of losing her only baby and in doing so she accepted that her mother is in a place of love and peace ( i.e. the water/death).I have never seen a movie deal with death a resolution quite like this one has and affect me so deeply.I recommend to anyone who struggles to understand the existential meaning of life and death. And the profound feeling of sadness one feels with the loss of a loved one. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!!!!!!


5 stars for the stunning actresses and one for being ingenious. There is so much potential between the two main characters to develop an intimate relationship (which was also hinted on by the stepmother). But then the movie lifts the obvious awkwardness into the realm of the realistic, destroying the ingenuity and art of the script. Making it just like any other movie.Personally I believe they should just give up on conveying new ideas for the purpose of mainstream entertainment. It just doesn't work. Either you do something great and many will not comprehend it, or you do something average and many will empathize.If the directors had any sense of mainstream creativity, they would have simply cloned the actresses. Like in the Resident Evil series. Many Milla Jovovich > one Milla Jovovich. Many Jessica Biel > one Jessica Biel. It is basic algebra. Though, the main character girl looked pretty attractive too, but the stepmother not really. At least there could be twins. I mean, come on!


8 of 10. Truly a film that can be considered art, telling a bizarre story of how a teen girl deals with more typical, everyday parents, neighbors, boys, and a psycho. It manages to do this while still keeping it sexy and mysterious all the way to the end.Maybe it deserves a higher score, but there are some character incongruities and other annoyances that might not be noticed by the target audience, but get in the way of us non-teen girls with functioning attention spans.Nonetheless, the combination of the story, settings, colors, clothes, music, and synergy among an odd assortment of actors make for all the things one expects from a film getting an Academy Award nomination.

Jesse Boland

Well that was a lot deeper than I expected it to be, but most Jessica Biel movies are. So the question that you are asked is: What do you owe to someone who dies so that you can live? How do you make payments? They seem to say that the answer is: When you feel like you are so deep under water that you just cant breathe, then you need to let go, and trust that the currents will carry you to where you are supposed to be. I guess. This movie is creepy, but not scary.(Take it from someone who's first real memory is like the awakening scene in this movie) There has been a lot of loss, and these characters are trying to fill the emptiness. You will not know who are the bad people in this movie, and it is to the credit of the actors that you will side with the young Emanuel from the start, and everyone will seem suspicious. If you like really long drawn out dramatic movies that never seem to get anywhere fast, but that finally pay out fully, and with extra butter. Then you will Enjoy this movie a lot. If you would rather remove your own eyes than watch a bunch of women sitting around talking(not what this is, just what it represents), then miss this one.
