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The Sky Crawlers

The Sky Crawlers (2008)

August. 02,2008
| Adventure Animation Action Science Fiction

Youngsters called Kildren, who are destined to live eternally in their adolescence. The Kildren are conscious that every day could be the last, because they fight a war as entertainment, organized and operated by adults. But as they embrace the reality they are faced with, they live their day-to-day lives to the full.


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People are voting emotionally.


Highly Overrated But Still Good


Am i the only one who thinks........Average?


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional


Oh boy, this was boring.Child pilots fighting meaningless battles. If they wouldn't slaughter themselves for the amusement of the population (who don't seem either amused or interested) they are supposed to be immortal - or at least unaging.The "actors" stalk around like emotionless zombies, which in all fairness was probably by design. Too bad that this causes viewers to develop zero bonds to any protagonist.Nothing is happening. Ever.Don't waste your time viewing this movie. I can sum it up perfectly: The philosophical background is the theory that humans don't appreciate peace unless someone is fighting a war somewhere. Thus corporations stage mock battles with real planes and real deaths to satisfy the unconscious demands of humans in a peaceful world. And since humans prefer other people dying to getting killed themselves, they clone child pilots to fight their battles for them, recycling them over and over. This movie shows a small part of the event-less lives of these ambition-less children.The End.Sounds interesting? Well, IT'S NOT! But hey, knock yourself out. Slightly more stimulating than counting sheep.


I'll admit, it was difficult to get into the right mood to watch "Sky Crawlers." I was expecting one thing, a war film, and while there were moments of that, I found myself confronted with a world full of characters with human concerns, and a strict atmosphere that called upon the audience to pay attention to the details. Having watched and enjoyed other films by Oshii (this one most resembling "Avalon" in tone and theme), I knew that I'd be in for something demanding and stoic, but I was also surprised by just how initially uncharismatic the two main characters were. However, as the film progressed, I found myself drawn in by their mysterious histories, and eventually deeply sympathizing with their tragedy. To explain the nature of the pilots is to spoil the film, but rest assured, every frustration and question you have concerning the characters is answered by the end –just make sure you sit through the end of the credits! However, whether or not you are satisfied in the end is another question entirely. While the chaotic, crowd-pleasing dogfights and strikingly rendered landscapes are sure to get a rise out of any audience, the mystery of the characters themselves is initially impenetrable and unwelcoming.On the other hand, Oshii's depiction of emotionally mature, personally tortured characters is a unique landmark in animation. While there have been other animated films concerned with serious character drama, few of them have chosen to completely eschew melodrama with the exacting discipline of this film.The film strikes a strange balance between frenetic action scenes and serious character exploration. It won't please everyone. But if you enter "Sky Crawlers" with an open mind, you may find something exciting, brutal, and heartbreaking here.


If your one of those people who had rather think than speak, then this movie will probably be memorable and an instant top favorite within your archive of loved anime. This is a drama, it's plot is one that forces the audience to place themselves in the fantasy to better understand it. It's not just a bunch of pretty pictures but has in itself a meaning; perhaps it's meaning is meaningless in the real world, it is, however, a movie that has a story to tell. In the end that's what it's all about is the story. Remember it or forget it, it's not your choice it all depends on whether it's a story worth telling... if it is, it's most likely worth remembering. This is one of those. --->I think it is anyway<--- :)


I know not everybody appreciates the parsimonious style and deep subjects which have the films directed by Mamoru Oshii,but I am delighted by the existence of a filmmaker who always offers us scenes of an amazing visual beauty and exciting action,but which are always endorsed by fascinating ideas.I think there is not any other contemporary director who combines the tools from modern cinema with philosophical monologues,metaphysical fantasies and analysis of subjects like,for example,the conscience or the soul.In summary,Oshii is not afraid of making unaccessible films for the casual spectator.With every new movie,Oshii seems to be more far away from the "normal" narrative,because from the humor and action from the saga Patlabor,he went to showing spiritual reflections in Ghost in the Shell; then,he criticized the ontological reality in Avalon; after that,he analysed the reality of the existence in Ghost in the Shell : Innocence; and now,he makes a study of the function and limits of memory in the construction of human identity in The Sky Crawlers,which may be his least obtained film to the moment,but it is still very interesting.The plot summary from this film may make it seem as it is focused on the causes and consequences of the war conflict it portrays.But reality is not like that.In spite of showing us some excellent scenes of air combat,the authentic melodrama from this movie is on the earth,pushed by laconic conversations and monologues which slowly and precisely show us an ambiguous image of the function of war,the fighters' identities and the curious condition which avoids them of growing older.But,as in Oshii's previous films,there are not easy answers or simple solutions to the questions raised by the characters,so the movie leaves the spectator the homework of taking out conclusions.I think that's the best element from this movie.As I said before,the sequences of air combat are excellent,because they certainly produce impact.The ending is ambiguous but it is satisfactory,because it closes the movie on a solid way.However,there are some fails on this movie.On a few moments,it gets a little bit tiring and there are other moments which feel pretentious.There are a few other fails,but they are minor.I liked The Sky Crawlers pretty much,but I do not know if I can recommend it to everyone.I found it very interesting but I am sure other people may find it boring.I do not think it is a great movie,but I appreciated its narrative and emotional complexity very much.
