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Fair Game

Fair Game (1995)

November. 03,1995
| Action

Max Kirkpatrick is a cop who protects Kate McQuean, a civil law attorney, from a renegade KGB team out to terminate her


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Am i the only one who thinks........Average?


it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.


if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

Kaelan Mccaffrey

Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.


Before I start the review, I would just like to point out that Fair Game is not entirely bad because of Cindy Crawford's performance. Her acting is one note and monotone, but that's not the real reason why the film is bad.The plot is so illogical it makes no sense at all. We are told that Crawford's character, Kate McQuean, is a Lawyer who has been marked for death by the KGB, the reason being they could lose their ship in a court case that McQuean is pursuing. This kind of story line would belong in a courtroom drama, not an action film. And why are the villains the KGB? This was 1995; the KGB was irrelevant by then. The film itself is one long chase, and concentrates more on action instead of paying attention to character detail, which is another of the film's failings.The action scenes are well-staged, and are the only good point to Fair Game. But there are certain questions raised; for a start, how could the villains use electronic equipment to track every move they make? Not to mention the use of a heat sensor, which can allow the villains to see everything they do (since when has such a thing ever existed?). And by the time the villains have finally captured McQuean, they are then instructed to 'keep the girl alive'; why? You've just spent the whole time trying to kill her, why not just get it done and out the way? Instead we have to watch the story get dragged out for longer. By this point, you'll be glad when it's all over.Only worth watching if you're curious about Cindy Crawford's acting debut.


Miami police detective Max Kirkpatrick (William Baldwin) is dumped by his angry ex Rita (Salma Hayek). Civil lawyer Kate McQuean (Cindy Crawford) gets nicked by a stray bullet and gets interviewed by Max. Kate uses a maritime law loophole to seize a freighter in a divorce case. The problem is that it's owned by criminal Emilio Juantorena where ex-KGB Colonel Ilya Pavel Kazak and his Russian team operate their high-tech criminal enterprises. They blow up Kate's home. She survives and given police protection. When they attack again, Max escapes with Kate.The plot is really basic and is only an excuse for most of the movie to be a chase. Everybody is piling on to make fun of Cindy Crawford's acting. I've seen worst. For a model, her acting is passable. The movie is simply asking too much from her to be the lead actress. She doesn't really act as much as she can walk and talk. I actually like her when she's punching Max in the face but then the movie forces them to make out in the next moment. There are major problems but most of it is in the script. There is lots of action and explosions to cover up any actual acting in the movie. If anything, it's too overloaded with action and makes this a laughable mess.


I was fueling at the truck stop in Florida,chatting with the hog hauler fueling at the pump next to me. He was telling me about the time he had pulled off the road to take his 8 hour break,when a bunch of Russians pulled him out of his truck at gun point. Made him open his trailer,all the time yelling "Where are they". One had a g.p.s. locater device. He makes his way thru the hogs and stops about half way through the trailer. Stops ,reaches down through the hop crap, and picks up a cell phone. Im thinking,"Some truck drivers have nothing better to do but think up wild stories to tell his fellow truckers." Cindy Crawford,Selma Hayek,Johann Carlo, and Jenette Goldstein are hot!! ---One Truck Drivers Opinion--- erldwgstruckermovies.com

Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW)

I don't why "Fair Game" got such a harsh critique. I thought the cast choices were great. Billy Baldwin playing a tough cop, and Cindy Crawford as a lawyer. This movie was action-packed, and a thrill-seeker as well. I liked the train scene when the cop and lawyer got on, and the Caddy sacrificed itself at the pole. Going after the KGB is an extreme task, especially when these agents are extreme themselves. Killing everyone in their path, targeting anyone they first lay eyes on. At first, both Kate(Crawford) and Max(Baldwin) don't get along too well. But when the rogue KGB starts targeting people, and killing Kate's sister, that's when the two began to trust one another. Some scenes remind me of "The Gauntlet" and "The Joshua Tree". The action of the movie is just right, I don't see what the big deal was. Perhaps when a model decides to go into acting, expect a lot of typecasting in the making. I don't see it that way, Cindy Crawford did fine there. I don't care what the critics say, this movie was fine, not in the theaters, but at home, it's a hit! 3 out of 5 stars!
