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Biker Boyz

Biker Boyz (2003)

January. 31,2003
| Drama Action

A mythic motorcycle tale of father and son", this is the story of Manuel Galloway, also known as "the King of Cali", the president of a motorcycle club whose members are all African-American men, mostly white-collar workers who exchange their suits and ties at night and on weekends for leather outfits and motorcycle helmets.


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Highly Overrated But Still Good


Good concept, poorly executed.


Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.


My name is Simon Jago and below is my review of 'Biker Boyz'. I have no intention of elaborating my comments but have to produce a minimal amount of words in order for my comment to be published.Here's the back story to my viewing experience of 'Biker Boyz'. It was late on a Saturday night and I was writing my Dissertation for uni, and turned on the TV to have something on in the background. 'Biker Boyz' started and I thought I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and leave it on, boy was I wrong:REVIEW: 'This film is nothing more than a collection of established black actors, exploiting themselves in a horrible fast and the furious rip off with bikes.'BEST BIT: The tunnel vision that Laurence Fishburne uses to filter out the nonsense in the film to enhance his racing in a straight line abilities. SPOILER: THE OTHER GUY LEARNS TO USE IT AT THE END


its a different and better movie than Fast and Furious. People that compare the two are missing the essence of both movies. Also much better than Torque, and once a again, that was a different movie to begin with. Both bike movies, but different. As much as other viewers, racers, bike riders or whoever else disagrees, this movie sheds a light on a variation of bike culture that is very real here in the United States. it wont appeal to all bikers probably, but it should. the characters in this film and the people they represent in real life love their bikes just as much as any other corner carver, stunter, etc. They just manifest it in a different way. as a movie, it has its shortcomings, but they are expected considering that this is a for-profit movie. not everyone can have enclosed helmets when you are paying the wearer gazillions of dollars to be IN the movie. Not every bike visual is going to be real speed/real time because that would be visually boring to a lot of people that are not enthusiasts. and I dare any other critic to name a better biker movie, or for them to post up when their's is releasing. this film, IMO, is nowhere near as bad as most of the posters are making it seem.


From the beginning of my discovery of Biker Boyz I was excited. Just from the name I had very high hopes and I must declare that it certainly does not disappoint. Maybe it is the exciting and cultivating script and storyline or the amazing array of stars featured in the feature, including: Morpheus, Rufio from Hook, the kid from Coach Carter, the guy from Blood Diamond and the surprisingly well performed Kid Rock, and from his role in Biker Boyz I would not be surprised if Oscar nominations were announced.I do dabble in the rocket scene and consider myself one of the best when it comes to flying rockets, so take it from a pro and watch this film.Burn rubber, not your soul.Peace out.A dog


I don't understand the negative views about this movie. I think that it is excellent. It shows reality and has a story line. I would rank this movie higher than a 10 if i could. Biker Boyz was well put together and was very interesting. It was a good movie with little violence,and it is also a more real approach to what a Bike crew really does. Everyone thinks that all they do is race around. They are just like a football team. I wish they would come out with Biker Boyz 2. There was drama in the movie but it went with the story line. I think that there was not an over kill of it and not to little it was very balanced. I wish that people would give it a chance and see the movie for what it is and not just a bike movie. If you sit and watch it you can really get into it. I can watch this movie anytime and day and have seen it at least 15 times. "Burn Rubber not Your Soul" is one of the best catch phrases I have heard in a movie. Stating to be true to your self. What other movies can you say that about. Everyone is so caught up in non reality and homosexuality. Lets keep our minds open instead of passing judgment. I mean we are giving movies like Broke Back Mountain better reviews that a movie that for once doesn't demonstrate that.
