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Our Lovers

Our Lovers (2016)

February. 08,2016
| Drama Romance

Carlos is a professionally frustrated screenwriter, and Irene is not sure what she wants to do with her life. When Irene meets Carlos at a coffee shop, she approaches him and, although she doesn't know him, proposes to play a game.


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You won't be disappointed!


The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

Martha Montelongo

While I agree with the criticism of fayozavala and nadialamas's reviews, I think it is worthy of a higher rating for all of the many positive attributes. There were poignant scenes and story-line that was true to our human nature. When Cristobal confesses a transgression to his good friend Carlos, to prove a point that will help Carlos make a life altering decision that will impact his wife, and his daughter and his marriage, and demands that Carlos give him a good blow in retribution, and that they then hug and carry on as friends, that depicted friendship between men at their finest. Carlos's story is complex, and he is vulnerable and true, but retains his self-respect and remains open to possibilities. Both he and Irene are mindful of each others feelings. The film has moral footing and in the end one understands the moral dilemma Carlos finds himself facing. The filming, lighting, and locations for all of the scenes are beautiful. Despite the aspects of the film that are clunky, it is, in the end, a feel good rom-com that rom-com lovers will appreciate.


Based on other reviews I thought this was a romantic comedy with a fresh approach. Well, it's not. It intends to be an intelligent, original movie (expectation was a kind of Woody Allen comedy), but turns out to be an unfunny, really boring movie about a predictable romantic relationship. The screenplay is bad, most dialogues are bad, the acting is not good either. The humor consists of a few bad jokes (some involving farts and vomit, that are definitely not my kind of humor, other involving pancreas cancer - anyone who has had a friend or relative with this disease will agree that there is nothing funny about it). I love comedies but I could not laugh not even once. So unless you want to spend one hour and a half watching a stupid, boring "romcom", skip this one.

Claire Terry

The best way I can describe this film is that it entranced me, as the images kept coming back to haunt me for a long time after I left the cinema. It's not perfect (which film is?) but the imagery and underlying message of the romance in nature, as well as in human relationships, will - despite some occasional qualms about the dialogue - enchant you too.


I admit that this movie has something typically European (or Spanish better said) and that might make it somehow more difficult for other audiences. In short I found the movie to be funny, with sometimes unexpected twists (sometimes expected, I will admit that) and starring beautiful young actors. The movie is filled in with beautiful images. I see that many critiques refer to the dialogues but in all honesty this is exactly what I found to be the strong point of the movie. The cast is very well chosen and doing a very good job as well, the actors fit their roles in a natural way and seem to enjoy themselves every single scene. I recommend it to anyone looking for an alternative to those American comedies with overrated actors, full of clichés and gross dialogues. The movie left us pleasantly surprised and some of the scenes still make us laugh a couple of days later.
