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The Disappearance of Flight 412

The Disappearance of Flight 412 (1974)

October. 01,1974
| Drama Science Fiction Mystery TV Movie

Colonel Pete Moore (Glenn Ford) is commander of the Whitney Radar Test Group, which has been experiencing electrical difficulties aboard its aircraft. To ferret out the problem, he sends a four-man crew on Flight 412. Shortly into the test, the jet picks up three blips on radar, and subsequently, two fighters scramble and mysteriously disappear. At this point, Flight 412 is monitored and forced to land by Digger Control, a top-level, military intelligence group that debunks UFO information. The intrepid colonel, kept in the dark about his crew, decides to investigate the matter himself.


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Memorable, crazy movie


Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.


I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

Aubrey Hackett

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.


Occasionally tense, but ultimately disappointing tale of a routine test mission that witnesses the disappearance of two fighter jets who are scrambled to intercept a suspected UFO. No-nonsense Colonel (Ford) and his Major (Dillman) delve into the mystery when their plane is diverted to a remote, de-commissioned air base in the desert, its crew (Soul, Lyons, Mullavey and Clay) interrogated by Special Investigations Detachment to ascertain what they actually saw, and prevent a national security breach.All the players acquit their roles with professionalism and competence - Stockwell as the burly, sunglasses wearing head interrogator casts an ominous aura, but his passive threats have no substance (the worst outcome suggested is demotion or demobbing). Familiar actors Jack Ging, Ken Kercheval, Ed Winter, Kent Smith, Morris Buchanan and Jesse Vint have supporting roles of varying proportions, and Soul in particular is dominant in his role as the airmen's fearless leader (the scene in which he stages a daring escape attempt should have been a suspense highlight, alas, it fails to ignite the fading embers).But despite the capable cast, the tele-movie is really just an introduction to the UFO phenomenon, with little actual substance or depth. A couple of tense moments during the multitude of interrogations, despite the bark, there's no bite.


The Disappearance of Flight 412 is a rather cheaply made TV movie with really bad sound that doesn't seem to make any point. If there are indeed UFOs visiting our fair planet we can't seem to ever get a handle on it with anything definitive. If they are and the government has documentation they are covering it up. Hardly anything revelatory.Air Force Colonel Glenn Ford is in charge of a flight group in which one of his flight crews is making some radar equipment checks. They see a strange object in the sky, some Marine jets are scrambled and they disappear off the radar scope. Ford's crew is diverted to a secret base nearby his base that he does not know anything about. But with a little sleuthing he tracks down where his men are gets them out.Quite frankly he should have dropped it right there, but he pursues it and gets himself in a ringer with General Kent Smith. The conclusion, there really isn't any.Robert F. Lyons does the best acting job as the colonel in charge of the top secret installation, a really smarmy type. Ford does his usual professional job. But in the final analysis the only people who this film might appeal to are aviation buffs.


I think you can look at THE DISAPPEARANCE OF FLIGHT 412 as a precursor to THE X FILES certainly in the themes explored regarding a covert operation to systematically dismantle the truth because of our country's government's fear of creating a public panic, removing true evidence of UFO activity as a serious threat to our people.While this is indeed a relic of the 70's Television Movie of The Week, it explores a phenomena which would later gain notoriety, the idea that we are not alone and that our government would do whatever it took to keep an informative lid on the prospect of UFOs or possible alien life patrolling the skies. I found this little movie a rather affective parable on the treatment towards those whom our government believes pose a threat to National Security, a crew who noticed two Marine bombers vanish without a trace, blips on the screen which are there one moment, gone the next. Also spotted were three dots representing UFOs, and once they disappear, so does the Marine bombers. A shady military organization called SID interrogate and question the flight crew of what they witnessed while in the sky, hour by hour attempting to weaken these men into silence, slowly penetrating their resolve in order to hush their voices regarding the Marine bombers and how they supposedly vanished.Colonel Pete Moore(Glenn Ford)and his lieutenant Major Mike Dunning(Bradford Dillman)are pursuing the whereabouts of their men, and soon uncover the SID base located in the middle of a desert, an abandoned area just proper for a quiet investigation without disruption. Moore's persistence to find them and his vocal outrage at the treatment of the men in order to distort the truth of what they saw will cost him. I think Ford brings a forceful presence and his intensity well registers with the audience regarding the integrity to tell the truth regardless of the consequences for such actions. This film, like THE X FILES later explored, shows that if you speak out and do not bend, a price will be paid, and that corruption, no matter what it means in regards to the brave men who fly in the skies for their country, will prevail despite the valiant efforts of a small few who resist the urge to remain silent.Good cast, maybe why I liked this TV movie as much as I did, includes an excellent David Soul(..as Captain Roy Bishop, the pilot of Flight 412 who realizes something isn't right in regards to those who are interrogating his crew), Robert F Lyons (..as co-pilot Cliff Riggs, who loses his patience with the interrogator, ready to punch his lights out), Kent Smith(..as General Enright, military head who is an important figurehead in the cover-up), Guy Stockwell(..as Colonel Trottman, the leader of the SID team interrogating the crew, perfectly embodying the sneaky government bureaucrat), among others.The film utilizes narration to add importance to the issue of possible UFO activity and the crooked methods behind silencing those who could lend credence to it. Director Jud Taylor doesn't use any fancy techniques, from a photographic standpoint, opting instead to focus on the story and characters without focus on style. I'm sure many might find the material(..and it's presentation)a bit static and heavy-handed, but I rather enjoyed it..maybe because I love these "government conspiracy" kind of movies(..also explaining why I like the THE X FILES so much). Those sci-fi fans looking for a movie with UFOs and aliens will find this movie extremely disappointing.


"A flight wing of the Air Force has been experiencing difficulties with some of its aircraft so as a test they send aloft a jet with a four man crew. Once airborne, the jet picks up three mysterious objects on radar and when two interceptors are sent to investigate, they mysteriously disappear," according to the DVD sleeve's synopsis.While Air Force Col. Glenn Ford (as Pete Moore) and his men try to investigate events surrounding the UFO sighting, US government officials move to cover-up the incident. Mustached David Soul (as Roy Bishop) heads a cast of familiar and likable TV actors, in a TV movie. One is not as familiar as the rest: "Dark Shadows" star James Storm is partially obscured by a dark cap; he is manning the "Digger Control" that diverts Mr. Soul's plane.
