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Sadako 3D 2

Sadako 3D 2 (2013)

August. 30,2013
| Horror

Five years have passed since the events of Sadako 3D. Akane is pregnant with a child with her boyfriend Takenori. However, Akane dies after giving birth to her daughter. When Takenori's sister Fuko takes up the task of caring for Akane's daughter, the infamous cursed video resurfaces. During her investigation, Fuko learns about the legend of Sadako's daughter...


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Excellent, Without a doubt!!


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.


I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.


Fuko Ando (Miori Takimoto) is a 24-years-old graduate student in psychology. She is tasked to take care of her 4-year-old niece. Soon, mysterious events occur around her niece. She then learns of an incident involving a cursed video that took place 5 years earlier. Fuko Ando finds herself involved with the cursed video. Sadako 3D 2 is the same exact awfulness that it's predecessor was but also a pretty damn weird and cheesy mix of different characters coming together for no reason at all except for the studios hunger for more and more money. (0/10)

Claudio Carvalho

The outcast four year-old girl Nagi (Kokoro Hirasawa) does not have friends and is bullied at the Yuki kindergarten. She misses her mother and is raised by her aunt, the student of psychology Fûko Andô (Miori Takimoto), who is the sister of Takanori Andô (Kôji Seto) that works at the Asakawa General Hospital. There are weird deaths in Tokyo and Nagi makes drawings of the crime scenes before the happenings. Fûko is concerned with the creepy drawings and shows them to her professor. However she tells that Fûko shall not worry since she is projecting her own feelings on the drawings since her mother committed suicide. Meanwhile the police inspector Kakiuchi seeks out Mr. Koiso that tells him that the responsible for the deaths is Sadako and Akane Ayukawa (Satomi Ishihara), who was possessed by Sadako. Nagi continues to make drawings showing the deaths and Fûko is scared. She brings Nagi to a session with her professor and Nagi scares the psychologist, but she does not disclose her feelings to her student. Fûko tells her fears about Nagi to her brother and asks him if Nagi is his daughter with Akane but he does not reply the question. Kakiuchi meets Takanori and asks questions about Akane and Nagi. Meanwhile Fûko visits the criminal Seiji Kashiwada in the prison and finds the truth about Nagi. When Fûko meets Takanori, he reveals that Akane is alive but in coma and holding Sadako in her body. Fûko meets Nagi and the girl asks to see her mother. What will Fûko do? "Sadako 3D 2" is better and better than "Sadako 3D" but is still a messy and illogical story with a terrible conclusion. Akane is alive but Sadako is not trapped in her body, since she is in a crime spree. The girl Kokoro Hirasawa has an impressive performance in the creepy role of Nagi, but her character is confused, beginning the movie as a frightening clairvoyant that becomes an innocent little girl near to the end before Akane is murdered. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): "A Invocação" ("The Invocation 2")

Paul Magne Haakonsen

While still nowhere close to the original "Ringu" trilogy, at least "Sadako 3D 2" was a step up from its abysmal predecessor "Sadako 3D" - not much, but still noticeably improved.What made "Sadako 3D 2" better than the previous was a more solid and thought through storyline as there was a red line throughout the movie, whereas the previous movie was messy, confusing and seemed mostly like random clips put together.But still for a Japanese horror movie of this genre "Sadako 3D 2" wasn't particularly scary. Sure, there were some nice scenes here and there throughout the movie, but as a whole there just wasn't enough scares in the movie to match other similar movies.One thing that impressed me was the acting performance put on by child actress Kokoro Hirasawa (playing Nagi). She, and she alone, was carrying this movie without a doubt, and she was genuinely capable of portraying some rather disturbing and spooky scenes with her body language and facial expression. Thumbs up for that! The effects in "Sadako 3D 2" also had a very noticeable improvement from the previous movies and it was more of an enjoyable experience to sit through this movie than it was with part one.Still, the plot had strayed quite far from the original trilogy. And whether or not you like that or not is, of course, a personal preference. Of course it is good with new ideas and new blood, but if why change something that isn't broken? These two additions to the "Ringu" legacy seems to have set out to accomplish a little bit too much or going for a grander and more epic scale, but failed to fully grasp it and deliver where it would impress.It was a good thing that director Tsutomu Hanabusa didn't include those laughable creatures that make their appearance in the first "Sadako 3D" movie. They were just ridiculous.While not fully there yet, "Sadako 3D 2" is a mediocre addition to the "Ringu" legacy, and your overall experience would not be any less if you miss out on this movie (or the previous one).


I was not really looking forward to this, at al.As I hated Sadako 3D (2012). it was one of the worst Ring movies ever, so bad, it was not scary or creepy. it was cheesy!Thankfully this sequel was nothing like the first movie, I really enjoyed it. The start of the movie, opening scene actually made me jump, A little. Fuko Ando who is 24 years old is. She is told to take care of her 4- year-old niece.Then strange things start to happen around the niece, anyone that upset her or she looks at anyone with the her stare, they end up dead, there death, which are made to look like they kiled themself's .First death was really well done and looked really nasty but not gory, some of other death scenes seem a little silly.Fuko Ando seeing the drawing that her niece as done and then start to get scared of her. as all her drawing, seem to be come true. (Fuko is also having trouble with her own pass and she keeps getting nightmares of her mother suicide ,when she was a little girl and she blames her self for that.)I loved train scenes, that one of hell of crazy scenes, loved every second of that scene. Fuko soon discovers what Akane as been hiding form her for last 5 years and she is shocked.There are few surprises here and there, to give you little shocks, Which dose work, I loved it, decent plot. So much better then the first movie, better story, not over of the top with the 3D effects, Not at all cheeses liked the last one. I found one part of the movie, a little creepy at times but not all the time.It felt more like a drama near the end of the but one thing that annoyed me, there were far too many dream scenes. The acting was very decent, the effect were really good! 6 out of 10
