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Omega Doom

Omega Doom (1996)

October. 21,1996
| Science Fiction

After earth is taken over by an army of robots, the small number of humans left are forced into hiding. In the nuclear winter, only droids walk the face of the earth, in fear of the rumored human resurgence, and in search of a hidden cache of weapons. One robot, his evil circuits destroyed, enters a small town where a robot civil war is taking place.


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Good start, but then it gets ruined


It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.

Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;


Another remake of Kurosawa's landmark film "Yojimbo" (itself suggested by Dashiell Hammet's "Red Harvest"), set in a distant, post-Apocalyptic future. A stranger comes to town and plays one group of badguys against another, kills everybody, walks off into the sunrise. can't go too wrong with a story that simple! The acting is strong, especially that of Hauer, who never realized the promise of his earely career. When action happens, it's neatly handled.But the pacing just drags. There's not half the action this film needs, and the dialog is way over-wrought.I did like the use of a quote from Dylan Thomas, and a couple other moments stand out, as when one robot envisions Hauer's character on horseback leading the human race back to triumphal dominance. And this is one of Pyun's better efforts as a director; he just doesn't seem to know how to move a film along - which has always been his main weakness.Good for a viewing, but unmemorable, and certainly not in a class with Yojimbo.


"Omega Doom" is a movie whose ambitions clearly outweigh its budget. However, there is something to be said for genre filmmakers like Albert Pyun who try to make the most of the budget they do have. As others have already pointed out, this is essentially a spaghetti Western transported to a post-apocalyptic setting. At times laughably pretentious, at other times interesting. Rutger Hauer (who has the "stoic, mysterious and deadly loner" role, in the classic Clint Eastwood tradition) still has screen presence, and Tina Cote is pretty hot even when she's playing an emotionless, cold-as-ice killer robot. Their last fight could have been longer and better edited, though. (**)


If you like ridiculously shitty movies then go out and find this it is the worst movie I have ever seen and has absolutely no redeeming characteristics whatsoever. If you enjoy terrible movies then you need to see this nothing will ever top it. I have just been informed that I need 10 lines in my comment so stop reading now because the rest is going to be filler. I really have nothing else to write I don't know why I should have to but if those are the guidelines I will have to do it no matter how ridiculous they might be. There's only a couple of lines left to fill this really isn't that terrible, it is however incredibly retarded. I guess I need to fill the 10th line as well so now this better work. I know to you it won't look like 10 lines but in this editor it is now more than 10.


Honestly, I only really picked this up because it came as sort of a "B-Side" to "Blind Fury," a movie I enjoyed very much when a friend of mine showed it to me several months before. I figured "What the Heck?" I wasn't losing any money by watching the B-Side of a movie I wanted to buy anyways.first things first. Don't expect heavy action or high end effects like "The Matrix." Don't expect an intricate plot like Babylon 5. And don't expect it to knock your socks off. This is a B-Movie CLEARLY made on a B-Budget. If you go in expecting it to be Shakespeare, The Matrix, Bab 5, or any other earth shattering experience, you WILL be disappointed.What should you expect? Expect rainy day TV-level sci fi flick. Expect a post-apocalyptic world that in many ways resembles the wild West. Yes, this movie has a lot of things in common with Westerns. It's hard not to pick up on the similarities from the first scene right up until the end. I don't like giving plot spoilers, so I won't get specific, but you can see it there very plainly if you watch it.All in all, it was entertaining. It's a low-budget movie to watch with friends or a cheesey flick to amuse yourself when there's nothing on TV.
