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Mischief Night

Mischief Night (2013)

October. 30,2013
| Drama Horror Thriller

Young Emily Walton, who has suffered from psychosomatic blindness ever since the car accident that took her mother's life, must summon every instinct at her disposal to protect herself and her loved ones from a intruder.


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Excellent, Without a doubt!!


Excellent but underrated film


It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.


A-Z Horror Movie of the Day..."Mischief Night" (NR - 2013 - US)Sub-Genre: Slasher/Home InvasionMy Score: 4.9Cast=4 Acting=6 Plot=5 Ending=6 Story=3 Scare=5 Jump=6 F/X=4 Blood=4 Invasion=6Young Emily Walton, who has suffered from psychosomatic blindness ever since the car accident that took her mother's life, must summon every instinct at her disposal to protect herself and her loved ones from a mysterious intruder. This was not without it's merit...there were a couple good jumps and it made for a decent home invasion thriller. Unfortunately, the story, F/X, and blood lacked in every part of the film. The plot was good, but been done before. It's like reading a menu and seeing "chopped sirloin sandwich" and you bite into it and realize that it's just a plain burger. Don't go searching for this one...but you could do a lot worse.


OK. So maybe my bar is set a bit low when it comes to movies I have never heard about that involve home invasion and murderous stalkers. But really, did anyone really expect the next Clockwork Orange? The opening set-up -- with a loving couple brutally murdered -- could have been transplanted from any one of dozens of similar movies. Then, spin forward maybe ten years to a father and daughter who (as usual) appear to have suffered from a failure by their real estate agent to fully disclose the history of the house and the strange but predictable oddity that the murderers appear to convey with the mansion from owner to owner as if they are a couple of lawnmowers in the garage. But aside from the cat and mouse and the chases through the house, I do not remember seeing any movie of this type with a better script and better performances -- particularly by Noell Coet. Ms. Coet quite simply nails the role of a young blind girl who, while suffering the loss of sight following an auto accident that took her mother's life, still has a spirit and attitude that makes her extremely fun to watch. Most believable is her talking to herself as one might if they lacked the ability to see. As with so many movies of this type, loose ends abound. But I recommend hanging with this one, particularly with the performance of Noell Coet.


It was watchable because the acting was actually OK. it was the lack of story line that sucked. There was no explanation for anything and no twist since there was really no plot. I guess a cheap stab (pun intended), at copying the purge. Bit of a let down. poorly written, which is too bad since the directing seemed good. This review needs 10 line to be able to be posted so ill drivel on but i think the first four lines sums it up. I wouldn't buy this movie in the $1 bin but if you can watch it for free it will kill some time. I truly believe American cinema as well as some well known authors think the story solely lies on the way to the end. I however believe there should be some sort of reason and surprise to the end. I don't care how delicious orange sherbet is, if there is no gum ball at the bottom it is not a cannon ball.

Jesse Boland

From the start this movie is just not serious enough not to be the complete joke that it is, and this is no comedy. The only mischief this movie gets up to is an over indulgence in add-libs, and a real lack of a good story. If you watched any of the "large number" of Gene Simmons wife's movies from the 90's or Halloween you have already seen this twice. A question asked by O'Connor in the movie is "what is mischief night?" No one ever gives a real answer, and we are just supposed to believe that it is a night that has always just been around. Don't waste any time with this movie, you want a good scare find a Rob Zombie movie with numbers in the title. You won't Enjoy this, I know I sure didn't.
