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Donovan's Brain

Donovan's Brain (1953)

September. 30,1953
| Drama Horror Science Fiction

A scientist takes the brain of dead man and revives it via electrodes as it lays suspended in a tank of liquid. Soon, the brain grows to possess enormous psychic powers and inflicts its personality upon the doctor who saved it, creating a "Jekyll and Hyde" paradigm.


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Please don't spend money on this.


Beautiful, moving film.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

Tymon Sutton

The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.


Fun stuff. A wicked little thriller from the early 1950's, palpably flavored with some early Sci-Fi elements. These "Sci-Fi" elements, are primarily due to the doctors (quite humble) laboratory. And because of the consistently good (occasionally great) acting and steady direction, the movie moves along at a good pace and proves to be very entertaining for such a low-budget production. Not all good movies cost mega-bucks to make and "Donovan's Brain" is a fine example of that. Like several reviewers have stated before me, this is the best film adaption of the famous Curt Siodmak novel (in contrast to the laughably dismal, MST3K-panned "The Brain That Wouldn't Die"). By watching this movie, it's quite obvious that it came out of the same decade that gave light to The Twilight Zone; as I found the film to play out much like a long-play episode of that show. The film is tautly put together and well-acted, the cast (which includes a young-ish Nancy Davis/Reagan) and crew did a lot with a little, in creating a highly entertaining psychological/sci-fi thriller. Certainly somewhat dated, but in a most charming way. Take note of those great, highly excitable sound effects coming from the professor's laboratory - very fun sounds. Perfect viewing on a dismal rainy afternoon (or night). On a morbid sidenote, by sheer coincidence, I happened to see "Donovan's Brain" for the first time, on the very same day that Nancy Reagan was put in the ground. Like I said a bit on the morbid side.

John Bailo

Most here have commented on the Sci-Fi aspects, but I wanted to focus on what seems to be an element of Business Fiction underlying the Sci-Fi (the science and experimentation being perhaps a way to cover another theme that some might want not to hear).The antagonist is a ruthless businessman whose brain is preserved...or more importantly, his mind. This mind lives on and infects others to do its will. The businessmen does not want to be bound by the rules of Government, taxation or even normal morality, it merely wants to conquer, possess and benefit itself. Some of you may be familiar with the work of Napoleon Hill and his book "Think and Grow Rich" which posits that business empires are the work of forming a Mastermind between people to accomplish and build great corporations.Wow. And the year is 1953? Can you imagine if someone had made a plain spoken film about such things? I wondered if Donovan (who flies in small planes a lot) is based maybe on Howard Hughes?Then there is the doctor. He is driven to perform his highly irregular experiments. He seems driven, but also reckless. He hustles his obviously inebriated friend into the operating room! He gets him to perform illegal and unregulated experiments on humans! This all goes on in the California mountains, away from the eye of the law (Nancy Reagan's future husband would be proud!) Law Enforcement are mere tax collectors, looking for their cut.We have the professional class, serving the business class and inflicting pain on the "little people". The Press, represented by a two-bit hustler named Herbie Yocum are no more than a bunch of blackmailing ambulance chasing paparazzi. Bankers, who are supposed to safeguard money, are more concerned with losing a big account than with giving money away to a potential fraud. And everyone else, hotel clerks, and so on, are bullied or cajoled by money. (Oddly, the one solid citizen is a taxi driver, who can't be persuaded by Donovan's money to ruin his livelihood for a short term payday.)Donovan's partners, confronted with the absurdity of their boss now inhabiting the body of someone else, pause for just a minute, then, seeing dollar signs, nod their heads and move on with the deal making. The Horror here is not a pulsating growing brain, but the giant Mastermind manipulating, and perhaps corrupting, all of America.


This movie is a classic case of a good idea badly executed. Scientist illegally preserves dying man's brain and keeps it alive using electricity. Slowly the brain starts to take over the mind of said scientist,and.....makes him kill off his rivals? Start a series of shocking events that stun the nation? Plan for world domination? Chase girls? No. He makes him visit banks and write checks. Real sweaty palm stuff! How evil can a man possibly get? No, don't disinherit your children, you devilish fiend, have you not a shred of humanity left in you? True, in the end the brain proves to be an ungrateful guest by trying to kill off the doctor's wife, but since it's Nancy Reagan, sorry Davis who actually cares? Good thing for her she hooked up with Ronnie cause i've seen doormats giving more riveting performances than Miss Davis. Lew Ayres is the only good thing about this movie, but even he can't make smoking cigars and making phone calls seem sinister. What a great set up and what a huge letdown.


Scientists Dr. Patrick Cory(Lew Ayres)and partner alcoholic Dr. Frank Schratt(Gene Evans)have successfully removed a living brain and have kept it from dying within a tank using an oscilloscope to measure the current and gain response to any reactions that might occur. Schratt tries to talk sense into Cory, because his actions(which are for the greater good and benefit of mankind)are illegal and could very well lead to his losing his medical license. But, losing his medical license will be the least of Cory's problems because the brain of a wealthy millionaire named Donovan gains control of the good doctor, growing stronger and healthier through a form of hypnotic suggestion(..Cory does admit to allowing Donovan control, not truly knowing the consequences of such a decision). The longer Donovan has control, the weaker Cory's hold is on his own body. Donovan begins plans to build a vault for his brain, using Cory to make shady, corrupt business dealings with past associates. It's known that Donovan failed to pay taxes and was a pariah to his family and those around him. His firm, aggressive, "don't take no for an answer" attitude begins to show itself(as does physical traits such as a limp and this ugly, cold visage)through the once tender, warm, loving Cory and soon his wife, Janice(Nancy Davis)and Frank begin to worry about him. The longer the brain has control of Cory the stronger and healthier it gets, with the powerful influence to force anyone in it's proximity to do whatever Donovan wills. Such as a crooked reporter whose camera takes a snapshot of Donovan's brain..his blackmailing scheme threatens Donovan's plans. We see as the movie continues that the brain's powerful influence becomes too great to overcome even as Frank tries to shoot it with a pistol. Meanwhile, Donovan uses Cory's body to write checks, and with that money laying the groundwork for a vault to house his brain while also purchasing fancy suits, $2 cigars, and underhanded business associates he once worked with. As Donovan speaks through Cory to a former associate, "Mr. Donovan intends to dominate the international financial scene, and a fatal accident will occur to all who happen to stand in his way." The blackmailing reporter finds out the hard way what that statement entails..will Frank and Janice, suffer the tragic consequences of knowing too much as Donovan plans to finish them off?This seems to have a rather lackluster rating on the IMDb, but I think it's quite brilliant in it's rich, intelligent script..I'm guessing many find the flick dated and premise rather corny. I think the idea regarding a pulsating, living brain could command another(..and others)to not only do it's bidding, but order those in close contact to even harm themselves quite a terrifying concept. The brain itself may also cause the film to receive criticism because it's basically rubber with a light glowing inside, submersed in a water tank. I loved Ayres performance as the victim of his science, even if it was for the welfare and benefits of helping others in the future. He actually shows the change from Cory to the notorious Donovan on his face. I certainly thought the dialogue was rich. I think this is a great B-movie, worth a look by less skeptical sci-fi fans who can see through the budgetary restrictions. Only the ending, with the help of an appropriate lightning strike that assists in helping our protagonists against the evil brain, "hurts" this film.
