The Fear of God: 25 Years of The Exorcist (1998)
A behind-the-scenes retrospective made for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the classic horror film, The Exorcist. Includes interviews with Linda Blair and the other stars of the film, along with commentary from the director and writer on some of the deeper meanings behind the elements they used to terrify their audiences, and previously unreleased footage including make-up tests and deleted scenes.
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Sorry, this movie sucks
SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Superb documentary on the making of "The Exorcist". They go through EVERYTHING in this. They talk to all the actors, director William Friedkin, writer William Peter Blatty, assorted crew members and technicians--even the three priest used as technical advisors in the film! They go through it step by step--the casting, show audition tests, cut sequences (including the infamous "Spider Walk" which looks MUCH different than it appeared in the slightly reedited version released in 2001) and goes into detail about the more famous scenes. This is never dull for one second--the amount of information they squeeze into 75 minutes is incredible. Most fascinating are the talks with Ellen Burstyn and Linda Blair and their thoughts about doing the movie and how they see it now. This is essential viewing for all fans of the film. Basically one of the best--if not THE best--horror documentaries ever done. A 10 all the way.
It kills me to know what these actors had to put up with. And the excellent special effects. So, people, it wasn't strings that held the bed, it was a machine to those who think it's cheesy. It's disturbing, it's freighting, and just fantastic. The Exorcist, it's more then a scary movie, it's a master piece of history. And anyone who says it's funny or boring, look at again and not as the scariest movie of all time. Just think for a few minutes after the movie. Because you know for a fact that other horror movies have copied so badly off of this film. And it would not be named #1 scariest movie of all time for nothing. And if you watch this making of the exorcist, you'll relize that you were very harsh on the film.10/10
I saw this documentary when it was first broadcast in the UK and was waiting with baited breath for the DVD release of "The Exorcist" with the knowledge that it was to be included as an extra feature.Unfortunately the version included on the DVD is edited so that it no longer includes the presenter Mark Kermode or the contributions of Mercedes McCambridge. I don't see any reason why these sections were not included, in the case of Mark Kermode I feel his presence was necessary as he led the viewer through the massive back story much better than in the DVD version of the Documentary where sections seem far to patched together.I still believe that the DVD version of the Documentary is one of the best ever but it was MUCH better when it was first broadcast.
The Exorcist is one of my all time favourite films, and after seeing this documentary on the excellent 25th Anniversary Edition Dvd from Warner, I`d have to say that this is perhaps the best documentary I`ve ever seen about a movie. I strongly recommend everybody who own a Dvdplayer to pick up this disc, and never mind the horrible new version called: The version you`ve never seen. I saw it in the theater and I was tempted to leave. It`s awful, and Blatty has ruined the film. On this documentary you can see writer Blatty and director Friedkin disagree about the movie. I have also read Blatty`s book, and I have to say that Friedkins film is much better in any way. Shame on you Blatty for forcing them to make this silly new version after all these years. Friedkin was right, and his version of The Exorcist is much better than your book. Anyway, see this excellent documentary of one of the best movies ever made.