Sense8: Amor Vincit Omnia (2018)
A two hour wrap up of the series finale.
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It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
You can't get a better Season or Series Finale like this one. And I'm so sad to see this show go. Even today I'm still pushing this show.This is the first IMDB comment I've ever written and I have to, because of how amazing this finale was.
The action scenes were goods, however the story was very limited and dragged out to much. The last 20 minutes is about a wedding and was painfully slow. The last scene summed up the episode as It was f up
So the Wachowskis fulfilled their promise to Sense8 fans for a final, bombastic episode. As it is filled with beautiful colors and sceneries, it is sad to bid our goodbyes to these extraordinary humans who are bound by pain and love. It is a drumful of action and suspense, although one might be able to predict what happens next, it is still a guessing game what might happen in the end and it is a relief that the octagonal siblings by spirit survived, although , near finale there are some unexpected moments. In the final scènes where Nomi's mother finally learned to accept her for what she is, it is clear, Sense8 Finale ( and the entire show) is conveying the message of acceptance and diversity. The sex scène is , for me, hilarious and a bit cliché yet sexy at the same time. It is for the fans so need I say more?
Worst than sharknado 8 (I don't know if it exist), there isn't narrative or story, they distribute the time in 50% acción scenes, 20% scenes with no sense, 20% sex scene and gay wedding and 10% in closing the series, it is bad in every angle that you see it, only the photography is good, the rest is horrible