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Shirin in Love

Shirin in Love (2014)

March. 14,2014
| Comedy Romance

Despite being engaged to a successful Iranian plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, Shirin finds herself falling for a mysterious young man who lives in a lighthouse in northern California.


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For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!


At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

Maleeha Vincent

It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.


I totally disagree with the Dr and the other reviewer who gave very scathing reviews of this wonderful film. Coming from someone who knows absolutely nothing about the Iranian culture, I enjoyed learning a few things about the culture. I thought the acting was actually great because it wasn't over the top or overstated. It was very natural, and I thought the performance by Amy Madigan was fantastic. The two leads were also fantastic, especially Riley Smith. It was a film that made me laugh, made me cry, and ticked all the boxes of a rom com/chick flick and this coming from a guy. Congrats to the producers and director of this film for bringing out the best in the actors and the settings. Also congrats to the cinematographer Garrett Shannon who shot some fantastic scenes, especially those beautiful shots in Northern California. If anyone knows where exactly this is in north California I'd love to know. Cheers to all cast and crew for a FANTASTIC movie. You should be proud!

Saghi Matinfar

The story itself was beautiful. Its one that many Iranian American girls can relate to. This movie shows the struggles of a Persian girl who has adapted to the American culture while her parents are still living a Persian life style. I loved having a English speaking Iranian movie which showed Persian life in the U.S. Although it might have had a few short comings, it was entertaining and one of a kind. The best part of the movie is if any people who aren't Persian watch it, they will still understand the movie, get a little insight into the culture and feel like the movie was directed towards everyone, not just English speaking Persian. I hope to see more movies like it in the future that are made in the U.S for Persian-Americans.

Violet Weed

Apparently the person who wrote the original review of this movie was Persian. He did not like this movie, but probably because the beautiful Persian woman falls in love with the WHITE GUY not the middle eastern guy. Silly doctor! This IS a chick flick, and I've got more news for you. WOMEN OUTNUMBER MEN in this world. FURTHERMORE we are SMARTER than men. We don't all go out to be doctors or lawyers or Indian chiefs (american indians, of course), but that is easily explained. WOMEN MADE society, NOT MEN. Men are like male lions, only needed to to breed to make more more of their species, and occasionally come in and help kill the bigger game animals. Otherwise the female lions do NOT NEED the male lion. Same thing with WOMEN. We don't need men, MEN need US. I loved this movie, it has a happy ending, even though it is built off a silly premise... that an Iranian-American woman would just fall in love with a guy she doesn't know diddlysquat about, but hey, as a woman I'm here to tell y'all that is 'the' definition of a chick-flick after all. They are always built on baloney scenarios. The worst part of this movie was the mother of the female lead, because she had obviously had a terrible face lift. I haven't seen eyebrows that high up on a forehead since I last had tea with the late Mary Kay.


Shirin in Love is one of those adorable rom coms that will completely melt the heart. It will make you laugh. It will give you that tickle in your stomach and looking at Riley Smith doesn't hurt either. ;-) What sets Shirin in Love apart from all the other numerous rom coms is the fact that this one actually has something to say. It's about culture and family and following your own desires. And these desires aren't just romantic. They're career-oriented as well which is very appealing. And there are genuinely sad moments in this film that make one think. It's not all just silly romance and humorous events. There is depth to this film which makes it all the more easy to fall in love with the characters.
