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Splinterheads (2009)

November. 06,2009
| Comedy Romance

SPLINTERHEADS introduces Thomas Middleditch as Justin Frost, a twenty-something slacker whose “thing” is that he has no “thing” at all. When a small-time carnival rolls into town, he meets Galaxy (Rachael Taylor), a gorgeous con artist, or “splinterhead,” who has more “things” going for her than anyone he has ever met.


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If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


Admirable film.

Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful


Only found out about this movie while surfing through netflix looking for something random to watch. The title caught my eye, but the synopsis of the movie seemed like it had been something that had been done before, thousands of times, but I figured I'd use the 15 minute rule and just turn it off if I didn't like it.Well, I watched the whole thing and enjoyed it. Yes, it is predictable. Yes, the character development is nothing out of the ordinary - you basically get all of your stereotypes portrayed. Yes, the storyline moves along very quickly to where you find yourself with the last 13 minutes of the movie and wonder how they can wrap things up so quickly, but it all works. It is like a lot of other movies out there, but it has a different vibe to it. It wasn't laugh-out- loud-pee-your-pants hilarious, but it was funny! It wasn't sappy or soft-core porn to grab attention.


Indie films like this are perfect for just vegging out when you're hungover, there's no elaborate plot to follow or loud noises every two minutes. I kinda reminds me of "adventureland" with that girl from twilight except Rachael Taylor is way more attractive.Like the other guy said i would have liked to have seen him man up a bit more and take a bat to that guys head at the end, seriously guys like him just anger me, even if he is harder than you taking a beating is worth it to get as many hits in as you can, at least you go down fighting.Anyway i think thats at least 10 lines, its a decent film you should watch it.


Excellent. The plot had some unique qualities. The humour is that typical late teens/early twenties, some slapstick, some fantastic low-brow. I enjoyed Splinterheads quite a bit. I laughed out loud quite a few times, despite watching the movie alone.I think what surprised me most was that the lesser known actors/actresses and those that have been out of the game for awhile (i.e. Lea Thompson) did a great job, as did Christopher McDonald. Thomas Middleditch is perfect for the role, and I look forward to seeing him more future projects.Racheal Taylor also great as the object of Middleditch's interest. Eye candy, while playing the role of Galaxy well.If you're looking for a fun date movie or a good laugh, this one is a great way to spend 90 minutes. If you can't enjoy this type of comedy, it's probably not your thing.

Jared B

I saw Splinterheads opening weekend in NYC. A friend sent me a link to the trailer, and it just looked like something I would enjoy. The trailer did the movie justice, and I walked away from the film feeling as if I had been a part of the movie. Splinterheads is a true romantic comedy. Dorky guy gets cool chick. The story is great, and Thomas Middleditch's acting is genuine. His facial expressions said more then he did, and it added so much to the dorkiness of his character. I absolutely loved the characters of Wayne and The Amazing Steve, and couldn't stop laughing whenever they were on screen. Please go see this movie, it absolutely made my weekend.
