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Sour Grapes

Sour Grapes (1998)

April. 17,1998
| Comedy

The bond between cousins is tested when one wins a fortune with the other's money at Atlantic City.


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Thanks for the memories!


So much average


Absolutely Brilliant!


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.


Sour Grapes. The movie I wanted to love. Damn. Larry David's first directorial debut was a film I was entirely amped up to see. Being a huge fan of Seinfeld and Curb, like most of you, this is a must see film. But unfortunately it didn't even come close to meeting my expectations.The flick revolves around two cousins, where one wins the jackpot on a slot machine from two of the other cousins quarters. The winning cousin doesn't see that he should share any money with his money-sharing cousin. What follows is lots of bickering, and silly situations.So, the plot is pretty on par with a Curb episode. But this is where the problem and solution arises. Only Larry David himself can bring his own Curb-type humor to fruition. The two leads were good, they brought their own style, but the writing is so incredibly Larry David, it's all you compare them to. It's so damn obvious Larry should have played the winning cousin. But nevertheless, he didn't and the film suffered by it. Larry did make an appearance as a t.v. big wig, and like always stole the scene.It's weird, I didn't hate the movie, but I didn't really like it either. Nothing truly funny, though there were a few giggles here and there. But the story was predictable, the actors didn't fit their roles and there wasn't enough L.D. Though I'll still say this is a must-see for all Larry David fans. The writing and humor is there, but it just goes to show, casting is incredibly important. No wonder Larry started his own show and made himself the lead. Genius.

Stephen Johnson

There are many reasons why people didn't like the film, craziness, too much music, bad acting but the problem when people when they saw this they didn't think families can act like this but Larry must have based it off of life because it happens! My family too broke up over money and principle (though we screamed more than this movie has), until recently we hadn't talked and wound up meeting on a funny way and solved our differences. This gave me a laugh when I saw the similarities. This movie has a good width and length.Another complaint was the music which runs on for a bit but is really catchy and get's you in the mood of an opera.If you like Steven Webber from Wings you'll get this as well as Craig Bierko who was up for Chandler in Friends(which is also spoofed here.)Overall, a funny movie for David fans, though some will differ. Also look out for Larry David in a few cameos.

Bjarte Lund Rolland

I actually thought it was kinda funny. It was certainly entertaining, and it was very Larry David, perhaps too much? I found that the main problem with the film was the awful casting, except for Orlando Jones. I honestly think this would have made a better film with a different cast and crew. The writing is good, it has the suspense and the story progress of a feature length movie, and it's entertaining. But I found myself imagining the cast of Seinfeld all the way, which was disturbing. They should have made a bigger effort of making it differ further from Seinfeld, but then I guess it wouldn't been made in the first place. This film was after all made at the peak of Seinfeld's success. What could have been a decent film ends up as a spin-off, but entertaining enough. The Friends-spoof is all worth it though!


I did like the movie because it is filled to the brim with funny complications. When I explained what I had seen to a friend, we were laughing at every detail. And that means a lot because I am not even a good story teller. I think I remember all the pranks but if I didn't, then at least enough to convince my friend to try and see the movie himself.
