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The End Of America

The End Of America (2008)

January. 01,2008
| Documentary

Based on her book of the same name, Naomi Wolf presents controversial evidence that America has begun a frightening descent into dictatorship and fascism. American democracy, as we know it, is under attack. By examining the chilling parallels between the current state of our nation and the ascent of dictators and fascism in other once-free societies, Wolf urges viewers to open their eyes to the horrors that lie ahead. From the increased use of paramilitary groups to the construction of secret prisons and the targeted suspension of the rule of law, the warning signs are all there for people to wake up and finally take notice.


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everything you have heard about this movie is true.


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


Unlike the previous comments, I watched this from start to finish and found it to be thought provoking. I didn't find it to be "liberal" but more the comments from some respected individuals who earnestly want to defend every American's rights and freedoms.This movie is not filled with hysterical comment, speeches or scenes but carefully lays out the fact as reported in newspapers across the US and in Congressional and Senate hearings. It is a should watch for every citizen in the free world and a should watch for every American.BTW I also have the infamous "SSSS" designation on my airline tickets because I fly one way from city to city. As a WASP, in my early 60's, wearing a suit I apparently look and act like a terrorist.


About Obimbo's waste of taxpayers dough and the way the DIMocrats destroyed the wealth and finances of the ENTIRE WORLD with their social mis-handling of the Freddie and Fanny crap and the CRA from Clinton. NEVER.. that's when.. they keep trying to back peddle and blame Bush.. forgetting that they were in control of the congress when the sh*t went down.. And when Bush tried to call them in and reel in some of the excesses.. he was called racist and told that it was because Franklin Raines.. who is black.. was being singled out because of his race.. no.. it was because BUSH had enough sense to realize that the CRA was a load of dung and that it was based on a house of cards theory taht would never pay off.. BUSH STANDS Proved CORRECT,,, Libs cringe and cower and try to spin the truth

John Cox

This movie is so interesting in that it was directed at the Bush administration, but the message relates to any president, including Obama. The real thing that Naomi is getting across is that we need to protect our constitutional rights. If you look at what is going on right now in the U.S., we need to watch the Obama administration too. Capital gains taxes going from 22 percent to 35 percent will kill capitalism, free trade, and the American dream. No one will be able to open a small business, and other small businesses will have to shut down, and these are our main job creators. This goes without even talking about the one trillion dollars that we are about to spend, half of which is not even intended to stimulate the economy, but to fulfill special interest democratic agendas. The redistribution of wealth will ultimately turn us to a socialist mindset, and possibly a socialist country. Additionally, when this one trillion is distributed, many economists are agreeing that people are realizing that this is a one time thing, so they will put it away and save it. When companies receive more revenue during "stimulus" time, they are realizing that "hey, it's just the stimulus" and will not hire more employees or expand their business. Here is the best part... When the economy recovers, all of this money that people are receiving and putting away will start to emerge, and then, duh duh duh, INFLATION! This is basic economics, just pick up an economics book and I bet it's in the first five chapters. I am not saying that this WILL happen, and I definitely want our country to get out of this mess and succeed. I am simply reiterating what Naomi was trying to get across, and that is that we need to protect our precious constitutional rights and watch our government as closely as possible no matter who is in office.


I will come out and be totally honest: I'm not a fan of politics. They annoy me, and too much drama comes out of it. That being said, I was relatively shocked to find out the new documentary, End of America, is quite engrossing. Based on Naomi Wolf's NY Times Bestseller, the film takes a page from Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth and splits up lectures with gritty footage and informative interviews. Yes, the film takes a side, but it's a side that everyone can relate to. The film does do a good enough job not to completely bash President Bush or anyone specifically, but simply the system as a whole. EoA explains how the 2001 Patriot Act has limited American civil liberties and what we can do to not only recognize the problem but how to combat it. A highly intriguing film, End of America's message is more important than one might think.
