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Strange Affair

Strange Affair (1981)

October. 01,1982
| Drama

A young Parisian advertising executive becomes so captivated by the unsettling charm of his mysterious new employer that he eventually abandons his family and friends, viewing it a privilege to let the ubiquitous employer take over his home, his life, his desire. Only his wife remains suspicious, recognizing both the pathos and the evil in the man’s soul-stealing power.


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Disturbing yet enthralling


An unexpected masterpiece


Am i the only one who thinks........Average?


This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama


An affair less strange than ominous. Upon confrontation with his new boss, whom he has awaited fearfully because of announcements of his rigor, a small employee gratefully accepts the role as a humble servant without realizing that his whole life is slowly transformed into a sort of "free slavery". He is so eager to participate in the system that he ceases to question any of the strange encounters he has with the boss and his obedient followers. His own life stops and is replace by his position as a puppet. In the end, when everything is gone, he is still incapable of refilling the gaps. A striking study on accommodation and the loss of self.


This film is shy, one of those you'll fall over on a sleepless night, on an obscure TV station. And you'll find yourself attracted by its awkward mood and characters (check Jean Pierre Kalfon's performance, amazing here). Truth is, "une étrange affaire" is an "étrange" masterpiece, and I'm not ashamed to say it could have been a Kubrick film in the way it depicts extremely accurately the relationship between a king and his court, and the behaviour of mind bent court followers and how this relationship can work today, in a democracy. Piccoli is at his best, so are Balmer and Kalfon (two very under used and rated french actors) and this is probably Lanvin's best flick (that's if you're a fan of the guy). The film is cruel, and shows how easily a man can get his mind twisted, be it by a ceo or out of a "big company" context, anyone standing on any upper level and how weak and cheap the ways to use are. On that sleepless night, try to stay awake, you won't regret it, even at 4.00 AM.


"Une étrange affaire" is Pierre Granier-Deferre's magnum opus,where he goes for broke and proves he can be brilliant.He made another important work at the beginning of the seventies "le chat" but it owed a great deal to its stars Gabin and Signoret.Here,there's a veteran, Michel Piccoli,and Gérard Lanvin,a generally unambitious actor,finds his best part.But it does not explain everything:the screenplay is very well constructed,the atmosphere stifling and the hero seems to be caught in a giant cobweb.First part depicts the fears of the employees of a department store :a new boss is about to arrive and some skivers are in a cold sweat about it.All rings true,and the whole cast is really excellent.Enter the new boss,Piccoli,who will not be the one everyone expected:he's a bon vivant and he treats Gérard ,the hero, as a friend.He takes him to chic places,where the young man feels like a bull in a china shop,he gives him responsibilities and promotion is around the corner.When the future seems brighter than ever ,it's actually the beginning of the end:his wife ,Nina (a lucid sensitive Natalie Baye) ,has cleverly noticed something was wrong:actually the boss and his beaming but disturbing henchman (Jean-Pierre Kalfon) are making her husband their thing,a slave at their beck and call.They even look into his private life ,and one night,the boss even requisitions the apartment and the couple's bedroom ."You do not exist anymore" says the wife as tragedy is impending.The boss 's method is some kind of professional fascism,which destroys all that makes a man a human being.It's all the more terrifying as the Master is always friendly,joking,smiling and even fascinating.The conclusion ,which refuses the happy end will give you the jitters.A strange affair indeed.highly recommended.


What if a man doesn't fit the role of being the centre of his loving wife's life but jumps instead to the opportunity of getting invaded and absorbed by his new boss who expects from him and two colleagues that they constitute a team without borders of privacy like one body and the boss as the ruling head?
