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"Incredibles 2" reveals new footage

"Incredibles 2" reveals new footage

Two new pieces of the Incredibles 2 have been unveiled. One of them tells the story of the bearded Mr Super powers, who complained to farmers about how exhausted he was taking care of his children. The other is a direct response to the problems faced by the first movie's superman couple and the cool ice man, among others -- too much action to save people causes damage, resulting in a public backlash. This time, they are equipped with tiny cameras that can film their movements simultaneously.

"The Incredibles" is one of pixar's most iconic films and a memorable memory Shared by millions of fans. The film took in $630 million at the worldwide box office and won the 77th academy award for best animated feature. Out a sequel after 14 years, is about the first after the war, mr.incredible became a full-time dads, elastic superwoman to save the world, the family began to face the life center of gravity shift. As can be seen from the trailer, Mr Superman is not well adapt to family life, take care of the baby come down in the dumps, and the farmer are education, he said, "do parents but an act of heroism".

"Incredibles 2" was directed by brad bird and voiced by Greg t. neal, Holly hunter, Samuel Jackson and more.