The Dandy (2015)
Inspired by the 1997 American drama Donnie Brasco, El Dandy tells the story of a law professor who has been hired by the Attorney General, to participate in a program of special operations, where you must infiltrate one of the most notorious drug cartels of Mexico City. Under the false name Daniel "El Dandy" Bracho, begins the task of identifying all the members of this clandestine network. However, he quickly finds that his acute ability to police work is only comparable with the exciting sense of danger that experiences living life to the fullest. Along the way, it avails itself of the help of a criminal's petty, loyal, even corrupt, called El Chueco, who quickly befriends Bracho and comes dangerously close to discover his true identity. Much deeper Bracho is involved in the mafia, more work tells him to get out, and the professor once incorruptible has to choose between returning to a normal life as a respectable citizen or fully embrace his criminal life.
Seasons & Episode
The daughter of Black will have to recover the territory of his dad before leaving prison. He will try to pressure the son of La Guera but when released from prison, the cousin of La Guera, El Colorado, wants to take control of the Zona Rosa. Even if your child asks you to consider the Black, he did not plan to give the territory back in the end he is the boss and earn more money with the Colorado command. This action seems already to have no respect for the territory and the former heads of area
José Montaño is with surprise that Emilia took a strikeout, he says Leticia was with fellow theater. The next day day goes to school to find the friend who gave drugs to her daughter, to talk to the guy who gave the pill to her daughter realizes the network operating in the Zona Rosa, which are responsible to sell drugs to young people sometimes give things adulterated.
Daniel decided to say a non-direct to El Colorado, so I replied "I am not Sicario" his orders to kill the Black. By getting this answer, Colorado asks the El Chueco kill Daniel to have a separate seat but he refuses. To take action on the matter goes to Daniel Ortega and Diaz to see what can be done to stop the Colorado. Diaz advised to form an alliance before him out of the band, so they plan to convince the El Chueco he wants to kill the Black. At the end does not because talking to him and left as friends again
Deyanira tries to convince her lover, the son of La Guera, Mennonite, to save his father. But it meets with The Colorado is unsuccessful and tease your petición.Antes operating to stop the Colorado a mysterious woman enters a private giving and the next thing we see is that he was killed and the police arrive too late. The Colonel is very angry about the failure of the operating and calls Montaño point the culprit.