Cold Squad (1998)
Cold Squad is a Canadian police procedural television series first broadcast in 1998 that followed the investigations of a part of the Vancouver Police Department Homicide Division tasked with solving cold cases, the titular Cold Squad, as led by Sergeant Ali McCormick. The cast of Cold Squad was diverse and changing, McCormick being the only character to appear in all 7 seasons. Some notable series regulars include Detective Tony Logozzo in seasons 1-2, Sgt. Frank Coscarella in seasons 3-4, Sgt. Len Harper in seasons 5-7, Insp. Vince Schneider season 1, Insp. Simon Ross season 2, Insp. Andrew Pawlachuk seasons 3-7, Det. Mickey Kollander seasons 3-6, Det. Nicco Sevallis seasons 3-6, Christine Wren seasons 4-7, as well as Det. Samantha Walters and Const. Ray Chase in season 7. Between the second and third seasons, almost the entire on-screen cast other than Julie Stewart were replaced. This along with the new sets, a significant revamp of the credits and theme music, and even having McCormick's hair change from auburn to dirty-blonde all contributed to a considerable reworking of the series.
Seasons & Episode
When the sister of a murder victim from a case Ali worked on years before is found dead in an alleyway behind a strip club, Ali investigates the murder even though she's not officially on the police force.
When a camp counselor offers evidence that three children who died in a boating accident at camp thirty years ago were actually murdered, the Squad investigates the claims. Ali initially goes off what Goren Berkland is claiming even though there is only his word to go on, until she discovers that he lives in a mental institution and is only occasionally in touch with reality.
When a young woman dies mysteriously before what everyone assures Cold Squad was a guaranteed win in a nationally televised singing contest, the group investigates only to learn that the singer's worst enemies may have been closer to home than she thought.
Sam finally gets a case of her own -- the three year old beating death of a homeless man -- which leads the squad to a company that tapes homeless people fighting to sell on the Internet.
Still torn up over his separation from Wanda, Len relentlessly pursues a serial killer as Wanda seeks sole custody of their two daughters.
When a twelve-year-old girl disappears from her bedroom, Ali and Ray infiltrate the world of pedophiles in a desperate attempt to find her.