Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye (2002)
Based on a true story, this family-friendly series follows the adventures of a young, hearing impaired woman who has a special gift and goes to work for the FBI in Washington, D.C. She's one hard-headed, soft-hearted woman whose talent for reading lips helps crack crimes and bag the bad guys in places listening devices can't penetrate. With her hearing-ear dog, Levi, Sue's a glutton for jeopardy – and there's (almost) nothing she won't do to bring notorious criminals to justice. This remarkable, edge-of-your-seat drama is an inspiring tribute to the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity and achieve great things.
Seasons & Episode
Howie tells Sue & Lucy someone is trying to kill him. After Howie tells Lucy and Sue someone is trying to kill him they find it hard to believe until Sue asks him exactly what happened. After Howie tells Lucy and Sue someone is trying to kill him they find it hard to believe until Sue asks him exactly what happened. Gunshots are fired proving Howie's point and making the case for the FBI to investigate.
Sue and the team begin tracking people who illegally entered the country on a fake Visas. After they find the person they're looking for they learn he is a barely alive because his kidney was taken. Lucy and Sue invite Lucy's cousin to stay for a few days, soon Lucy and Sue find it difficult to tell Anita to leave.
Sue tries to stop an act of Ecoterrorism with the help of Joel. Who claims he was burned 12 years ago due to Ecoterrorism. Sue and the team tried to stop The Earth Emancipation Project from killing anyone else. Joel Finch agrees to go undercover with the FBI to stop EEP from doing something very dangerous.
The team tries to figure out why restaurant was blown up by a bomb. As they continue to investigate this discover that Danny is lying to protect his father. They learn that Danny's father works for an organization linked with a terrorist organization.
Randy makes an odd request of Sue. He asks her for some help with woman he is about to meet there is one problem in the correspondence Randy and his date have shared over the computer she forgot to tell Randy she was deaf. Sue now has to accompany Randy on his date to help him with the sign language.