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Penn Point

Penn Point (2010)

May. 24,2010


Seasons & Episode

Seasons 1 : 2010


189 Episode


Episode 2 - Behind a Top-Secret Penn & Teller Escape Trick
May. 24,2010

For the first time ever, Penn spills the beans on an illusion that's still in development.

Episode 3 - Why The Kindle is Better Than The iPad
May. 25,2010

From the set of Bullshit, Penn explains why the iPad is a time-wasting distraction machine.

Episode 13 - Penn & Teller's WORST Magic Gig Ever
June. 13,2010

Penn & Teller risk getting robbed, raped and murdered at the worst gig of their lives.

Episode 16 - Nancy Pelosi is a CRAZY PERSON
June. 16,2010

Nancy Pelosi is just as insane as Sarah Palin when it comes to crazy religious shit.

Episode 19 - A New Discovery Could Eliminate Breast Cancer
June. 22,2010

This new breast cancer vaccine could lead to some monumental changes -- in how you think about mice.

Episode 23 - A WARNING To All Americans - Free Speech On Trial
June. 29,2010

A jobless 51-year-old was sued for writing a letter to his senator. Does this limit your freedom to dissent?

Episode 26 - Sexy Woman Freaks Out at George Clinton Concert
July. 05,2010

George Clinton brought the funk. Penn and Teller brought the case of mistaken identity.

Episode 28 - The Cruel Consequences of Astrology
July. 07,2010

Walk into a thought experiment proving that astrological signs are akin to RACISM!

Episode 30 - Being Ugly in Show Biz?
July. 12,2010

Penn admits that in Hollywood, he won't get cast for the attractive parts.

Episode 31 - Gulf Oil Spill Solution Rejected by Dick Cheney
July. 13,2010

Ari Melber tells Penn and Joy Behar about a Gulf of Mexico oil spill solution that could have been.

Episode 35 - Reusable Shopping Bags Pose a Dangerous Risk
July. 21,2010

Find out the risky upshot of the growing reusable grocery bag trend.

Episode 37 - Can't Buy Me Love by The Beatles
July. 26,2010

Penn pays homage to the Beatles music video for Can't Buy Me Love.

Episode 40 - Penn's Retort to Tea Party's Dana Loesch!
August. 01,2010

Dana Loesch responded to a Penn Point on her own show a week ago -- and here's Penn's reply!

Episode 49 - Racist Editing Ousted Shirley Sherrod
August. 16,2010

Penn follows up on the USDA racism scandal, the topic of his most recent Larry King appearance.

Episode 51 - Are Hippies Dirty? Study Says Maybe Not
August. 18,2010

The E. Coli grocery bag scare that Penn commented on might have been based on a bullshit study.

Episode 52 - Penn Disagrees with Christopher Hitchens
August. 22,2010

Learn how Penn feels about disagreeing with Christopher Hitchens in spite of how smart he is.

Episode 54 - The Sexiest Woman Around RIght Now
August. 24,2010

Find out who Penn wants to fuck these days!

Episode 56 - Penn Loses His Hair!
August. 29,2010

Penn has decided to hack off his ponytail for Locks of Love.

Episode 58 - Revealing A Brand New Penn and Teller Escape Trick
September. 01,2010

Penn continues to workshop a brand new escape trick from their show at the Rio in Las Vegas.

Episode 59 - Penn Tries to Get Us Sued! - Penn Wears Spiderman Underwear
September. 02,2010

Penn attempts to get Revision3 into a lawsuit with Marvel comics by showing off his underwear.

Episode 61 - Penn's Secret Creepy Movie Night!
September. 06,2010

Penn explains his Kevin Bacon movie night tradition and the puzzling film, Seventh Seal.

Episode 62 - What Brought Penn to Tears? (1)
September. 08,2010

Penn introduces us to his favorite living novelist of all time, Nicholas Baker.

Episode 63 - "Man, It F*cked Me Up..." - What Brought Penn to Tears? (2)
September. 09,2010

Penn finishes up his latest Penn Point on Nicholson Baker's Human Smoke.

Episode 64 - Mosques and Musilm Gay Bars Near Ground Zero!
September. 12,2010

Penn finally talks about the mosque construction near Ground Zero thanks to your persistent commenting!

Episode 68 - Jennifer Aniston Says THE R WORD!
September. 19,2010

If you can't use the r-word, what can you use?

Episode 69 - Glenn Beck Hate Mail! - What Does Glenn Beck Think of Penn?
September. 20,2010

Penn gets hate mail because of his associations with Glenn Beck. Penn responds.

Episode 71 - The COOLEST Last Name Ever
September. 22,2010

There is a guy with the last name "Crimefighter" -- for a legitimate reason.

Episode 72 - How Book Burners Are Like Hitler!
September. 26,2010

Penn explains how a 1st Amendment attorney's opinion is how book burners are like Hitler.

Episode 73 - Imagine No Religion on 9/11
September. 27,2010

Penn tweeted "imagine no religion" on September 11 and here's the response he received.

Episode 75 - CONSPIRACY THEORIES on Penn & Teller: Bullshit
September. 29,2010

Penn explains the conspiracy theories that he gets entangled in just by producing his show, Penn & Teller: Bullshit.

Episode 81 - Is it Ethical to Download Free Music?
October. 12,2010

Penn's smart. He's got smart friends. What does he think of P2P file-sharin

Episode 104 - Arsenic-Based Life in Space?
January. 02,2011

Scientists have discovered Arsenic-based life on Earth. On other planets? Not so much.

Episode 106 - Nixon: Surprisingly Cool
January. 09,2011

Richard Milhous Nixon. America's BEST president... or America's BESTEST president?

Episode 108 - Ant Crucifix Censorship Controversy
January. 19,2011

Should the government use taxpayers' money to support controversial art?

Episode 109 - Fortune Teller FAKE
January. 19,2011

Bullshit Changes the Life of a Tarot Card Scammer

Episode 111 - Holly Madison + David Copperfield = ???
January. 25,2011

Holly Madison and David Copperfield work some magic on Penn.

Episode 113 - Tucson Shooting: Who is at fault?
February. 01,2011

Human nature drives us to search for deeper meaning, but maybe it's just the shooter's fault.

Episode 114 - Jenny McCarthy Will Kill Us All!
February. 06,2011

When the Measles Epidemic of 2020 wipes out humanity, blame this bimbo.

Episode 115 - Get Out of Debt Now!
February. 08,2011

By 2020, the US will have to run everything for 8 cents on the dollar.

Episode 116 - Competition: Bane or Blessing?
February. 13,2011

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.

Episode 118 - Rock Hard Erections Back and Forth
February. 20,2011

Grammar lessons! Dick jokes! This episode has it all.

Episode 120 - Billy the Mime
February. 28,2011

This mime doesn't suck. Except when he's miming Anna Nicole Smith.

Episode 121 - iPad News Smackdown!
March. 02,2011

Which news reader for the iPad is the best? None of them.

Episode 124 - Jillette vs. Gillette: Which is Sexier?
March. 14,2011

In this shocking expose, Penn reveals the secret truth behind... his name.

Episode 126 - Charlie Sheen: Winning for YOU!
March. 20,2011

Charlie Sheen is exactly what we want in a superstar: bats#!t craziness.

Episode 127 - Proof that God Exists! Or Doesn't!
March. 23,2011

The Argument between Christians and Atheists is a snake chasing its own tail.

Episode 128 - Anonymous vs. Westboro Baptist Church
March. 27,2011

Cyberterrorists and Christian hate groups and First Amendment rights, oh my!

Episode 130 - Agnostics Suck!
April. 04,2011

Agnostics have the most annoying opinions on the Internet.

Episode 132 - NPR: Government Sponsored Radio is WRONG
April. 11,2011

NPR doesn't need the government's money or the controversy that goes with it.

Episode 133 - Gilbert Gottfried vs Japan vs THE GIANT DUCK
April. 13,2011

Yes, Aflac should have fired him. No, Gilbert shouldn't "have known better."

Episode 135 - The Book of Mormon
April. 20,2011


Episode 136 - 25K: The Greatest Indie Film Ever
April. 25,2011

Well, maybe not best ever. But they made it for $8600.

Episode 137 - F@#% You! Part 1
April. 27,2011

Mister Manners teaches you how to properly drop the F-bomb. NSFW!

Episode 142 - Martin Luther King Jr. Quote CONTROVERSY
May. 16,2011

In the wake of Osama Bin Laden's death, a Martin Luther King Jr. misquote causes Internet furor.

Episode 143 - Steve Martin LIVE
May. 18,2011

A comedy giant. A movie legend. A bluegrass king?

Episode 144 - New Suits for Penn and Teller!
May. 23,2011

Penn and Teller get new suits. The world rejoices.

Episode 147 - Fool Us: Backstage Secrets REVEALED!
June. 01,2011

...or maybe Penn just talks about his new hat.

Episode 148 - Modern Art Masterpiece or 5-Year-Old's Doodle?
June. 06,2011

Can you tell the difference between a painting by Pollock and one by a Kindergartener? Don't lie.

Episode 155 - Why Do Artists Change Their Lyrics?
June. 29,2011

Penn challenges the lyrics of Paul McCartney and Issac Hayes. What do these words really mean?

Episode 176 - Rich People Problems
September. 12,2011

Episode 177 - Is This Cold Remedy Bull$%*!?
September. 14,2011

Episode 178 - Everybody Get Naked
September. 19,2011

Episode 180 - A Little Weird? You Can Still Be Successful!
September. 26,2011

Episode 184 - Red State
October. 10,2011

Episode 185 - Anyone Been to Ukraine?
October. 12,2011

Episode 186 - Atheists Getting Bullied?
October. 17,2011

Episode 187 - The True Meaning of Halloween
October. 19,2011

Episode 188 - Rise of the Monkeys
October. 24,2011

Episode 189 - CONTAGION: Bad Times. Better Movie.
October. 26,2011

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