The Cavanaughs (1986)
The Cavanaughs is an American television situation comedy, broadcast on CBS from 1986 to 1989. The series revolved around Francis "Pop" Cavanaugh, a 71-year-old, blue-collar Irish Catholic man living in South Boston with his daughter Kit and son Chuck, as well as Chuck's sons and daughter. Much of the show's humor stemmed from conflicts between the cantankerous, opinionated Pop and his grown children.
Seasons & Episode
James returns, and he and Pop dig up the past concerning their childhood rivalry over the affections of a girl.
When Kit's ex comes to town, Kit realizes she still has feelings for him.
Chuck can't swallow his pride when Kit outdoes his efforts at the construction company.
The Cavanaughs think a week in a monastery is just the thing that will teach them to get along.
Pop's plan to help Kit fight a tax audit gets him in hot water with the I.R.S.
When Kit struggles to quit smoking, the rest of the clan agree to give up something of their own to support her.
A politician rejects Pop's offer to handle his campaign, because he's too busy setting his sights on Kit.
The family think Mary Margaret has been bitten by the acting bug, but she's actually been bitten by the love bug after gaining a crush on a boy who's choreographing her school play.
It's Pop's 72nd birthday.
James tells the family that he is getting married. But is he?