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Staying Alive

Staying Alive (1983)

July. 11,1983
| Drama Music

It's five years later and Tony Manero's Saturday Night Fever is still burning. Now he's strutting toward his biggest challenger yet - making it as a dancer on the Broadway stage.


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Why so much hype?


People are voting emotionally.

Jenna Walter

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.


what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.


One of my all time favourites. I have watched it many times now It just gets better with every viewing. I can so see myself in John Travolta and his challenges with women, life and his career challenges. Totally a must see. Love it!!

Alexandra Mitchell

First of all, the best way to most accurately judge this movie is to see it YEARS after having seen Saturday Night Fever. This movie stands alone VERY VERY WELL, the music (soundtrack) is FANTASTIC, the acting is great (seriously), and the humor (script) is SO under-appreciated!!! This is a SUPER great follow up story to Tony Manero's success in the Brooklyn dance clubs; it doesn't over-do his newfound "success" in Manhattan and it doesn't under-do it, either. It is SO REALISTIC. It is an honest to God SHAME that people talk so badly about this movie. THIS IS A GREAT MOVIE. The only sad thing about Staying Alive is to see John Travolta looking so incredibly fit and handsome and to see what he has become after all these years.... I swear, the man was an absolute perfect physical specimen (!) Not that I'm much of a Travolta fan... but just watch the movie -- look at him in the movie, then look at him now.... Now THAT's SAD, but Staying Alive is a GREAT MOVIE and should be watch and appreciated with a new eye by the millions of us whose lives were so changed and so uplifted by the phenomenon that was Saturday Night Fever.


Wow did I really just see that? I felt like I was watching soft gay porn here especially during the end dance sequences where John Travolta gives his sweaty all in a weird loin cloth thingy. I saw way more of his (albeit well toned) body than I wanted to.This follows Tony Manero (of Saturday Night Fever fame) to Broadway where his ego thinks because he was such a smash in the disco's of Brooklyn that he's going to make it as a dancer on the Broadway stage. What follows is hard work, mean choreographers, tough times and a romance with Finola Hughes.For some weird reason Sylvester Stallone wrote and directed this. He is also responsible for Travolta's zero percent body fat dancers physique and makes a cameo in a groovy fur coat as they pass each other on the street.I have to mention that closing scene, which involves Tony's "strut" down the street during the end credits. It kinda blew my mind, I mean wow, including close-ups of his ass in tight 80's jeans and him exclaiming "You know what I wanna do? Strut." .... Is this for real?Well it was fun anyways. 12.12

Jade McPherson

Absolutely brilliant film! In my opinion it is better than its prequel, Saturday Night Fever. John Travolta, Cynthia Rhodes and Finola Hughes are stunning dancers. It gives viewers a look behind the scenes of a musical. It is wonderfully intense and passionate. There is also a sense of satisfaction seeing Tony, the Brooklyn boy, make it to Broadway and still be the same strutting man. Overall, really brilliant film but nothing like its prequel, so don't watch it expecting more of the same, it gives a completely different taste and flavour. Very fun movie, well worth a watch.
