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The Shape of Water

The Shape of Water (2017)

December. 08,2017
| Fantasy Drama Romance

An other-worldly story, set against the backdrop of Cold War era America circa 1962, where a mute janitor working at a lab falls in love with an amphibious man being held captive there and devises a plan to help him escape.


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hyped garbage


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

Kaelan Mccaffrey

Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.


It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.


Guillermo del Toro leads us on a beautifully compelling, and oddly romantic story about a woman and a fish who fall in love.The film opens underwater, and although the later scenes do not, the set design and lighting makes us feel like we never really surface. deep Blues and swampy greens paint the film, everything I remember is shaded with these colours, it is a director which such a fine control over colour palettes I think Wes Anderson will probably feel a little outdone.Then we meet Elisa, we follow her through her morning routine, she likes eggs, is sexually frustrated, and she can't speak, she's a mute. Sally Hawkins teases life into Elisa, she could easily have played her as straight up quiet, introverted and shy, but there's so much more to her. In one scene she signs "F*** You" to Michael Shannon's character, for no other reason than her own enjoyment, she gives a smug little grin after doing it too. I like to imagine Sally Hawkins receiving a script from Guillermo del Toro thinking "brilliant, finally my chance to win an Oscar", only to open up the screenplay and realise all her lines are effectively facial expressions. She does brilliantly regardless.The film is well paced, but the blossoming romance between Elisa and Cpt Fish Finger is put rather dumbly into a montage. We don't spend enough real time with the pair as they begin to fall in love. For example by the film's half way point, Elisa is planning to break Fish Cake out of the research facility, effectively risking her life for him, but all we've seen up to this point is them eating eggs together and him watching her dance with some weird French music playing over the top. I saw no real motive for her to risk her life at this point. I wanted to see real scenes between the two of them; how do you fall in love with a frog looking guy you can't really talk to? I guess even Del Toro was unsure on that one, he skipped over the answer.The film's most redeeming quality is in it's character's. Richard Jenkins' character stood out, he is quirky and oddly magnetic, I wanted to see more of him. He got nominated for Best Supporting Actor because Sally Hawkins relied on his humour and daintiness to paint and strengthen her character. Michael Shannon as well plays a baddie straight out of the Del Toro's school of baddies, he's always sucking hard boiled sweets, his fingers bleed and get progressively darker as his character does. No character is alike. Everyone is brought to life brilliantly by the actor playing them. Octavia Spencer plays every role she ever has played, mouthy, sassy black woman - but she plays it well I wont protest.Allow yourself to fall into the trance Del Toro has created. Don't resist. It's odd and quirky and if you spend your time questioning that, the film will pass over you.


I think it's a super movie as I said in the title. It's got a great story. The acting is even great, but I do not think it's the shape of water among the nine movies that are nominated for the best film this year. Guillermo del Toro has officially created a new world, which again has beautiful backgrounds as in every movie. I liked the Crimson Peak movie before that but I could not show success in the same way.I am very pleased that Guillermo del Toro has succeeded in this film, which is a favorite of almost every film.Now let's just say that I'm not really a super movie but I did not give a lot of information about the creature and I could not understand some places for example, what is this creature, what is the place, how it got in and how it got caught. Why all the people behaved close to the elisa while torturing him and he did not see him as a monster the super powers of creation could do a lot of things, but I could not understand some of the details about it, so I finally remember how Elisa eventually turned into something like that and the scar was on the other side.but the movie really took me to a whole new world. It was so beautiful that it was like I was really living if I was not in a movie. Finally I like the movie very much but I do not think it is good enough to win the best movie award.

Adrian Chudek

I never write review on IMDb, but because of this film I have to do it.First of all, I totally don't understand why this film won the Oscar. I have never seen a more cliché and overrated movie in my life. Don't waist time and watch Three Billboards Outside Ebbing.

Khaled Moustafa

Very silly......not worthy watching let ago receiving the biggest award
