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Hollywood Shuffle

Hollywood Shuffle (1987)

March. 20,1987
| Comedy

Aspiring actor and hot-dog stand employee Bobby Taylor catches the ire of his grandmother for auditioning for a role in the regrettably titled exploitation film "Jivetime Jimmy's Revenge." When Tinseltown Studios casts Taylor in the title role, he has a series of conflicted dreams satirizing African-American stereotypes in Hollywood, and must reconcile his career goals with his desire to remain a positive role model for his little brother.


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hyped garbage

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.


The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

Parker Lewis

The send-up of black stereotypes really stood out in one moment in the movie, where there's a TV commercial for the Robert Taylor Black Acting School where all the instructors are white and they "teach" African- American actors how to act black. Very sharp and so true.I know there's freedom of speech and so on, but seriously, the gratuitous swearing in Hollywood Shuffle turned me off. I know that people will say that swearing is part of life and movies need to reflect life, but really, I never heard anyone say after a movie "I wish the movie had more swearing!!" Really, when you think about it, the Batman trilogy didn't need to have swearing on every second line, but it became a mega-success.


One of the best movies I've ever seen. This a movie that makes you think. First you laugh, then you think about why you're laughing and if you should be laughing or crying. There isn't a wasted scene in this movie, each one is relevant and true. I have known about the virtues of this movie since its release, my siblings and I call each other 'hocake' and no one knows what we're talking about. I was amazed that there aren't even photos of the stars and director (Robert Townsend and others) on the cast page of this movie. This is such an under-rated flick, the only movie I can think of offhand that is this poignant and clever is 'A day without a Mexican', another great movie. If you are a simpleton who likes movies to watch things blow up this isn't for you. If you are the cerebral type who actually uses their brain this movie is right up your alley. You'll think about this movie for a while.

Joseph P. Ulibas

Hollywood Shuffle (1987) was the directorial debut of Actor/ Director Robert Townshend. His self financed film Hollywood SHUFFLE pokes fun at the struggles many black actors face whilst looking for an acting career in Hollywood. It's sad as well because many of these stereotypes are still true to this day. While progress has been made in the American Movie Industry, they still need to make more progress. This film showed people how the Movie making business handles the majority of young black actors who're trying to make it in the movies.The story is about a young, talented and aspiring actor who wants to make it in Hollywood as a director. But when he tries out for roles, he meets a lot of stumbling blocks. Many of these are about his racial background (i.e. he's not black enough, he's too black, doesn't act black, etc. etc.). Eventually he's offered a role but will he throw away his dignity to accept it? Can young Robert make it in Hollywood without "selling out"? Will his peer drag him down? To find out you'll just have to watch Hollywood SHUFFLE.Highly recommended film.


This is a great film. It just has an energy and a voice that is real and unqiue and powerful. You follow Bobby's ups and downs and root for him, and the comedic vignettes give it the relief from the very funny story. Townsend is great, along with Keenen Wayans, and many great little performances, by the likes of Lisa Mende, Craigus JOhnson, Dom Irerra, and others. It doesn't have all the classic comedy elements, but it has a strong voice, and that's what counts.
