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Wither (2013)

May. 04,2013
| Horror

Ida and Albin are a happy couple. They set off to a cabin in the vast Swedish woodlands to have a fun holiday with their friends. But under the floorboards is an evil that waits to be unleashed.


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How sad is this?


Excellent, Without a doubt!!


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


WITHER is the Swedish EVIL DEAD. There's not much more to say about it than that. It has the same ferocity and constant graphic bloodshed as the American EVIL DEAD remake which came out a year later, in 2013. A bunch of friends visit the usual cabin in the woods and are soon subject to demonic possession, turning on and infecting each other one at a time. Mucho bloodshed ensues. Although low budget, this is a highly effective little production which offers near constant horror and nihilism without a moment to draw breath. It's extremely disturbing and extremely graphic, more so I thought than the real remake. The horror never lets up once it begins and the bloody mutilating special effects are extremely realistic. The cast are certainly put through their paces and as it turns out they're up to the job. My recommendation? Watch if you're a fan of graphic horror.

Paul Magne Haakonsen

I will go out on a limb here and say that "Vittra" (aka "Wither") surely had to be a homage to "Evil Dead", because it was essentially the very same story, just only set to take place in the beautiful wilds of Sweden. And if it wasn't an homage to "Evil Dead", then it was either a very odd coincidence, or the most blatantly rip-off ever conceded.The story taking place in "Vittra" is about a group of young people going to enjoy time away in a remote cabin on the forested mountainside. But they unless an ancient evil trapped in the basement, and one by one they succumb to the taint of evil and turn to ferocious killers.There is a lot of blood and gore in "Vittra", which may discourage some viewers, but on the other hand it also have an equally big chance of appealing to the gore hounds in the audience. I found the amount of blood and gore to be working in favor of the movie, especially since the special effects team did a good job.However, the storyline was just too much of a copy of "Evil Dead" for me, and that didn't sit well with me. Sure, I do love "Evil Dead" and its sequels, but that doesn't mean that I have to agree with other takes on the iconic movies. And "Vittra" didn't really take on with me, and I found it to be a mere mediocre cash-in on the "Evil Dead" franchise. It lacked originality and ingenuity.The acting in the movie was adequate, although I can't really claim to single anyone out as being overly memorable. I suppose it was as it was supposed to be for a Swedish take on "Evil Dead". However, no one will ever reach up to the performance of Bruce Campbell."Vittra" wasn't particularly memorable for me, especially since I had already seen it all before in the classic and iconic "Evil Dead" movies. But I am sure to a new audience who is not familiar with "Evil Dead", then "Vittra" will turn out to be quite impressive.And bear in mind that this is a Swedish movie and they speak Swedish. So if you have an issue with foreign language movies, then you have been warned.I found "Vittra" to be very mediocre, and as such I am rating it five out of ten stars solely for the blood and gore. "Vittra" did not leave any lasting bitemarks, pardon the pun, and nor will it ever become as loved as "Evil Dead". Why settle for less when you already have perfection readily available in the company of Ashley J. Williams and friends?


To claim that "Wither" is inspired by Sam Raimi's horror monument "The Evil Dead" would be a tremendous understatement. "Wither" fundamentally IS the Swedish version of "The Evil Dead", although accomplished with a great deal of respect, admiration and youthful enthusiasm towards the classic original. Perhaps even more so the case than in the US-remake released earlier this year! Albin and Ida, a young couple very much in love, invite five of their friends to spend a weekend in a cabin high up in the Swedish woods. Before they are even properly installed, one of the girls encounters a mythological Swedish folklore demon in the fruit cellar and becomes possessed. She subsequently infects her friends one by one while the surviving ones unsuccessfully attempt to escape. So much for the straightforward and familiar story, and I bet you can guess the script also reverts to textbook clichés (the old man with the warnings) and stereotype characters (arrogant jocks, blond bimbos…). But all that doesn't matter, because the main trump of "Wither" obviously isn't the intellectual storyline but the outrageous and plentiful gore! It looks as if the crew invested every penny they owned into make-up effects, fake blood and red goo. "Wither" offers a Swedish smørgasbörd of impalement, decapitations, axe-wielding, shotgun-through-the-head wounds, face-munching and much more! The gore, and particularly the quality of the old-fashioned make-up effects, widely compensate for the lack of originality. My main complaint regarding the film is that the makers clearly had too much fun and seemingly didn't want their movie to end. Towards the finale, the film definitely drags and outstays its welcome. The overly sentimental confrontation between the last two survivors could (and should) have been cut with at least 10 minutes at least.


I have had it! Everyone had been ranting and raving about how this film was the Swedish "Evil Dead" and then they have voiced their disappointment . This movie DOES embody the essence of Evil Dead with a 21st century twist. It's cheesy, its gory, its actors are looking for their break. ITS AMAZING. People say the plot line is ridiculous and that movie plays out terribly. That is basically Evil Dead in a nut shell. But its those amateur things that bring us the greatest cinema. The Swedes made some magic with this film. If you can appreciate a simple piece of horror, this film has it all. Ridiculous amounts of blood, sentimental feelings for the deceased, and lots of old rickety cabin scenes. This movie is great!!
