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No Clue

No Clue (2014)

March. 07,2014
| Comedy

When a beautiful and mysterious woman bursts into the office of Leo Falloon, desperate to find her missing brother, it's just another day in the life of a hard-boiled detective. The problem is, Leo's not a detective. He sells novelty advertising across the hall from the detective, but how hard can it be?


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That was an excellent one.


Excellent but underrated film


Best movie ever!


Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.


Blah. Predictable cheese-fest. If you just want something to fall asleep to without missing anything, sure this'll work. Otherwise don't bother wasting time on this. Limited story line, obvious outcome. No thinking involved. Apparently my 'review' doesn't contain enough lines. Well neither does this movie. Go read a book or something. This really is just fodder.I mean it's not so bad as I would copy it to another drive, 'cos deleting it just once wasn't enough, it's just paste. Glue something or paint something & watch it dry. Same effect really. I was happily drinking myself to sleep & this movie couldn't keep the attention of an A.D.D. squirell. Eat more nuts. They're good for you!


Despite starring (and being written by) Brent Butt, who was the star in the highly rated Canadian sitcom "Corner Gas", "No Clue" was only given a small theatrical release in Canada (and got a very tacky- looking poster to boot.) Watching the movie, it's pretty easy to see why the distributor was not very gung ho. It fails due to one big problem, that being that the movie simply isn't funny. At its best it just gets to be mildly cute, certainly never hilarious or even provoking mild chuckles out of the audience. Much of the humor is written to be pretty predictable and familiar. Butt's screenplay certainly shoulders most of the blame for the unfunny nature of the movie, but Butt also stumbles in the lead role. His shtick of coming across as a somewhat dumb motormouth gets old very fast, and he quickly becomes somewhat irritating and annoying. To top it off, while the movie thankfully does not have the tacky and cheap feeling of most other Canadian movies, it all the same has the look and feel of a television production instead of a theatrical movie. Is there anything good to say about this movie? Well, unlike many Canadian films, it admits to being set in Canada and thankfully at the same time does not make a big deal about it. Though all the same, most Canadians will consider the movie as a whole yet another example of the poor state of the Canadian film industry.


Alright, listen up. Or read up, since you're reading. And since you can read, that should mean your ability to process words is working. That's actually a good start. This is a very funny movie- and no, Brent Butt is not going to win any acting awards, but his delivery as an unsophisticated but clever novelty salesperson mistaken for a Dick is perfect. Amy Smart as the damsel with more to her story is the perfect straight-man to Leo's bumbling, and I liked Kechner as his friend a funny soundboard. And for fans of Corner Gas, Brent's other half is funny and very Wanda-esque. And for those who aren't Corner Gas fans, don't watch. Your sense of humor isn't properly suited for this film.


I didn't go into this movie with high expectations and really wasn't disappointed, I'm not sure if this was supposed to be a comedy, drama or what and I only got as far as the first half hour before I found it to painful to watch anymore, the laughs the acting was so wooden it sounded like all the cast where literally reading from their scripts as they went, and the plot well I'm still trying to work that out which is a shame because I liked Brent Butt in Corner Gas which is the main reason I saw this movie and it was original....this is not. Amy Smarts role as the damsel in distress is average at best which probably has more to do with the poor screenplay than her acting ability and David Koechner is not much better as the friend/sidekick. If you like a movie that has clumsy endless old one-liners and innuendo then you might enjoy this, if not then look for something else
