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The Bye Bye Man

The Bye Bye Man (2017)

January. 13,2017
| Horror Thriller

When three college students move into an old house off campus, they unwittingly unleash a supernatural entity known as The Bye Bye Man, who comes to prey upon them once they discover his name. The friends must try to save each other, all the while keeping The Bye Bye Man's existence a secret to save others from the same deadly fate.


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What a waste of my time!!!


It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

Melanie Bouvet

The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows


If ir had been marketed as an horror comedy I'd have given it a 10/10... specially after the scenes in the library and of him singing in the car...it was supposedly a serious horror movie though.


This movie wishes to use the ethos of an urban legend style horror story (e.g. "Candyman"), but is only used as a vehicle for jump scares. The acting is sub-par, every character is a cookie cutter stereotype seen in every teen horror film from the 1980s onward, but poorly executed. The story is dead on arrival, with an antagonist without any set mode of operation, and without any motive or payoff. All we know about the character of "The Bye-Bye Man" is the repeated ad nauseum mantra "Don't think it, Don't say it," but that's it. Apparently, it leads to your death, and the only way to get rid of him is to remove any mention of him anywhere. However, the only people who die are killed by other characters trying to remove any trace of the supposed villain. And in the end, when the villain actually has a chance to deliver some form of payoff... He does nothing. Nothing in this film is engaging. The colors are muted, the camera work is sloppy, the special effects are not effective. But on top of it all, it's not fun. I love movies that are so bad they cross the threshold into good souly based on how much fun they are to watch. This movie doesn't even dip a toe in the waters of fun. It's all regurgitated cliches from better horror movies, and all done lazily. If there was a movie specifically made to make a paycheck, this would be it.


This has got to be one of the laziest horror movies i've seen recently. I tried watching it with an open mind, i've heard how bad it supposedly was, but i was willing to give it a chance. Five minutes into the movie i was very confused; it looks like a parody, the concept is very silly but they took it way too seriously and it was poorly, poorly executed.I think the story made no sense whatsoever, they set up this urban legened-type character, but they gave him no backstory and no real purpose. You say his name, he comes for you, but he doesn't kill you, he just... makes you see things? And you kill yourself? And what's with the coins and the train? And the awful CGI dog? I believe the filmakers wanted to start this urban legend where people would spread their theories around the internet and such, but they fail to make it interesting or scary enough.Also the acting is embarrasing, the editing is amateurish and the directing feels rushed and sloppy, like the director wanted to make this as quickly as possible and the editor tried to make a coherent product but he also failed.But i would be lying if say i didn't have a good time, it's an interesting experience, it's kinda amusing to watch and be constantly asking yourself if they were serious about the decisions the makers of the movie made. I guess it's one of those " see it to believe it" kind of movies.

Neil Welch

A young college couple and his best friend rent an enormous house. Turns out there is a bogeyman called the Bye Bye Man and, once you speak or even think his name, he will turn up with his huge bad-CGI dog and mess with your head and people will die. The trick is to kill them and yourself before anyone else learns his name. Or before they write it on a piece of furniture in the house you're renting.Candyman did this, of course, years ago, with minor differences. No mirrors are involved here, and you only have to think the name, which explains people endlessly saying "Don't think it, don't say it" and endlessly writing same on walls, furniture, curtains etc. Though this doesn't explain writing the name in full on the bottom of a shelf first and then not crossing it out.So remember, kids, don't just throw that nightstand into the woods, make sure you burn it first.The three youngsters are all fine, and are mostly believable as they try to find a way to thwart the hooded Bye Bye Man and his flayed-bulldog-looking pet, which gnaws contentedly on the corpses of your friends after you've killed them.In truth, the Bye Bye Man's modus operandum is lacking a few bits of essential explanation - does he actually kill you? Or just fool you into killing others? Do you only kill people who have heard his name? - and also has some illogicality about it - if everyone gets killed then how is his name going to be disseminated so that he will have other to kill? He needs a bit more mythology in place before he makes his second outing, methinks,My comments might be somewhat disparaging, but this film succeeds fairly well, albeit it draws heavily on Candyman and the more recent It Follows in creating the same sort of dread. The idea of a horrible but unavoidable fate which follows inexorably gives you immense sympathy for the protagonists: you hope they find a solution. The fact that it happens once you have innocently stepped over a line which you didn't even know was there means that you howl at the unfairness of it.Faye Dunaway cameos: I wondered who it was. She sends a message: stay away from Botox.
