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Daredevil (2003)

February. 14,2003
| Fantasy Action

A man blinded in a childhood accident fights crime using his superhumanly-elevated remaining senses.


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Best movie ever!


Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction

Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.


The movie really just wants to entertain people.


Before I start my review, I'm just going to explain how I watched this movie. On YouTube, there is a YouTuber by the username "YourMovieSucksDOTorg" and he made a video commentary for the Director's Cut version of this terrible, terrible movie. I watched the movie while listening to this commentary, and it was absolutely hilarious. If you for some reason decide to watch this movie, watch the director's cut alongside the YMS commentary because it is extremely entertaining. Plot - Over two thirds of this movie is a random nonsensical flashback. This movie is poorly written and makes no sense. I just finished watching the movie, and I could not tell you what happened. Characters - The characters are extremely poorly written. At no point did I care about any of them, or understand anything that they were trying to do beyond random guesses. Sights - I don't think that I've ever seen a movie with editing so bad. Whoever edited this movie had absolutely no clue what they were doing. There are way to many cross-dissolves of sped-up shots of skylines. Whoever was behind the camera also clearly had no clue what they were doing. This movie looks terrible. The cinematography is atrocious. Sounds - For some reason the sound design is a mess. There are a lot of random cartoony sound effects and bad sound editing. You'd think a movie with a blind character with undefined powers as the main character (I'm assuming cause his name is the title) would pay close attention to how the movie sounds. The soundtrack is really odd as well. Some songs are good, some are terrible, but most of them don't fit what's happening in the movie. I have seen that stupid scene where Elektra slices up the sandbags in so many reviews, and in none of them did they ever mention that "Wake Me Up Inside" was blaring over top of the cartoon slicing sound effects. Action - The action scenes in this movie are hilariously incompetent. This movie is such a mess. Not a single thing is done right. I would call this movie so-bad-that-its-good, but it actually gets a bit too boring for me to recommend it to be watched in that way.If you are going to watch this movie, I'd recommend looking up the YMS commentary track. I would provide a link, but it got removed when the review published.

Smoreni Zmaj

When I saw this movie I was confused about such a lousy rating, and then I realized it is for the theatrical version, while I saw directors cut. It seems they once again have slaughtered a good movie into Hollywood sleazy, but I really have no intention to check. Anyway, the movie is much better than 2015 TV series in every way except for casting. I do not claim actors in series to be better actors overall, but they are just more adequate for Daredevil roles. Affleck as Daredevil is a complete disaster, hand in hand with Ellen Pompeo in the almost non-existing role of Karen Page. The rest of them are good, but not nearly as impressive as actors in the TV show, especially Fisk and Foggy. The only exception is Jennifer Garner who is perfect Electra. If they could make a remake with exactly the same screenplay and directing, but using TV series casting I think it would be perfect 10.8/10


Re. Spoilers: A couple of very minor ones, but on the whole, I think I've avoided them.. I've been avoiding this, since I LOVE the series, and saw the poor rating of this. I also thought Ben Affleck is too 'pretty' for this role (and read that he wasn't the best Batman..).. However, I tried to bury my preconceived ideas, and therefore enjoyed it: I'm pleased I watched it, since I can't watch the first two series of DD AGAIN just yet! :o Overall I thought it was rather 'shallow', but then again, it must be hard to squeeze such a lot of plot/characters into a couple of hours of film. I prefer every character/actor in the series, but still, I did like this. Farrell was amusing, but Duncan is just a gentle giant in my mind ('John Coffey'): the size of him fits, but I kept expecting him to say something sweet or funny.. What I liked most of all, which I missed in the series, is getting a bit of 'visual' (yeah I know..) on how Matt 'sees'. You're left to imagine it for yourself in the series. I was very disappointed in the 'mustard' scene.. till he swapped them! lol. When watching something like this I try to be open-minded. Each 'medium' is different, and if you compare them, you're often disappointed. Of course, it is often nigh-on impossible NOT to compare them, but I find it helps to try ;) P.S: I've never read comics, and had barely even heard of Daredevil before I watched the series (this film is probably why I'd even heard of it at all..)


This movie was not the ordinary super hero. Matt Murdock (Ben Affleck) is an attorney who will only defend those who are innocent. He is also blind after a hazardous chemical accident happened when he was a young teen. Murdock is an advocate for serving justice and protecting those who need it most. Murdock was an attorney by day, and Daredevil by night.The fighting choreography in this was innovative and unlike any other. It was cool how the fact that Murdock is blind was significantly considered when developing each of the sequences to reflect how he has adapted with his other senses in order to perfect his reflexes.It would have been better if there was more of both Bullseye (Colin Farrell) and Kingpin (Michael Clarke Duncan) in this movie. It would have added to a much stronger and interesting story.
