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Mirrors (2008)

August. 15,2008
| Horror Mystery

An ex-cop and his family are the target of an evil force that is using mirrors as a gateway into their home.


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Purely Joyful Movie!


Perfectly adorable

Michelle Ridley

The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity

Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.


With Alexandre Aja directing and Kiefer Sutherland in the main role this movie cannot be bad. I agree with some reviews, that the ending or outcome could have been a more interesting one, but anyway, this movie got well done acting, some gore, a fine dark and suspenseful atmosphere, and well, we all know, that the story of a horror movie tend not to be made to be Oscar material.Not outstanding but good and a nice snack for the connoisseur of the many horrors.


I don't usually comment on films that already have this many reviews, but I saw Mirrors three or four years ago, and it stayed with me. I realise I'm in the minority, but I really liked it, so I got the DVD to make sure, and I still really like it.The first hour accurately replicates the terror and confusion of the onset of mental illness, both from a sufferer's point of view and that of someone witnessing changes in a person they know. There's a palpable atmosphere throughout the runtime, helped by an energetic score, the performances, especially Sutherland's, who's very good, and some stylised lighting, particularly during the burnt-out shopping precinct scenes.While the effects are generally impressive, this stylisation helps soften some of the less convincing CG. The precinct set (or location, possibly) looks great - I hesitate to say it but it's reminiscent of games such as Devil May Cry, and looking like a video game generally isn't a good thing for a film, but it does work. The scenes outside this setting are lit more realistically, but the difference isn't jarring.As the second half gets going it naturally becomes unequivocably supernatural, which is often a turnoff for me, but by that point I was invested. It kinda becomes a mystery for 20 or 30 minutes, as Sutherland's character tries to figure out what's going on, then returns to its original unsettling mood. The tension never lets up for long, and the ending is satisfying.Definitely watch it with the lights off. Preferably surrounded by mirrors. And if you need a bit of light relief afterwards, there's an extra on the DVD with a goth talking nonsense.


I just watched the full uncut version to be sure to have all the gore included because I know the director Alexandre Aja very well for his ultra gore flicks Haute Tension (2003) and The Hills Have Eyes (2006). This one here isn't a bad film but for an Aja flick it's rather low on gore.Luckily it still has a good story to offer and the performances were above mediocre. I watched the screen with suspense even as you can see it coming sometimes from miles away. As I stated earlier, the gore isn't the main thing in this flick, it's all about the mirrors and the CGI attached to it. Even as I am not a CGI lover here it does work out fine mostly. But when the gore comes in it's in full glory. The opening is worth watching and the bath scene with the nude Amy Smart (Angela Carson) does offer something for the geeks out there too.Still it isn't the best of Alexander Aja. After Mirrors we had to wait until Piranha 3D (2010) to see gratuitous gore again. But Mirrors is worth picking up if you are into ghost stories.Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 3,5/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5


Mirrors is a horror movie that was released in 2008, directed by Alexandre Aja. The movie is about Ben (Kiefer Sutherland), A suspended police detective lands himself a job as a night security guard at a shut down department store that previously suffered a massive fire, but the department store has more to it than he knows, something much darker than he could ever think of. Whilst trying to prove himself to his wife after previous problems with alcohol, the strain from the constant strange goings on with the mirrors continues to set even more obstacles in his way of becoming a better father and a better husband. With his past experience with alcohol problems, Ben has to do everything he can to prove to his wife that he is not crazy and that something is not right with the mirrors. Mirrors is rather creepy and somewhat disturbing as the characters own mirror reflection is what causes the character to murder themselves. As much as they try to resist and prevent it they are unable to prevent their reflection causing the killing to proceed.The movies graphics has a massive attention to detail, especially with the death scenes being brutally graphic. For example, the ripping open of the mouth that Ben's sisters mirror image causes her to do is so graphic it may be disturbing to some viewers. I believe that in a horror movie, putting a great amount of attention into the detail of how graphic the gory scenes are is essential. So it definitely can scare some people and that is what you need from a horror movie.Kiefer Sutherland (Jack Bauer, 24), is the perfect lead role making you feel for his character. With Ben going through so much in his past and throughout the movie, you start to feel sorry for Ben leaving you eagerly rooting for him wanting the others to believe him. Overall, this contains everything a horror movie should have, blood, gore and brutalness with a hooking storyline. It didn't get much of a positive response from critics and might not be the best movie in this genre but in it's own right is an acceptable fast, paced horror.Storyline - 4/5Uniqueness - 4½ / 5 Overall - 6/10 (1= Weakest - 5=Strongest) (1=Weakest - 10=Strongest)
