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Snakehead Terror

Snakehead Terror (2004)

March. 13,2004
| Horror Science Fiction TV Movie

A small town, desperate to recover from hard economic times, is under threat when voracious Snakehead fish mutate and survive previous lake chemical poisonings. The fish transform from pests to predators when human growth hormones are dumped into the local lake in the hopes of reviving the local fishing industry. Thriving on the hormones, the Snakehead fish grow to monstrous proportions, devouring everything within reach. Capable of moving and eating on land, they are forced to leave the now barren lake in a desperate search for food - animal, vegetable or human.


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Too much of everything


If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;


Nothing was on tonight so I watched this movie and was absolutely blown away by the poor production numbers the mind-numbing acting and clichéd script. I hope any money made on this movie goes directly the the screenwriter of Jaws2 as the movie literally was taken from this movie. It was so bad that the prospect of shovelling snow outside in -25 temperatures was an option taken... The only highlight was the flimsy wardrobe given to Carol Alt, who is still smoking hot...Must have put the budget at $20.00 at the local Value Village. As for Bruce Boxleitner he must have done it for the money because his performance was a phone in job if I have ever seen one and for the supporting cast my goodness they were very amateurish I have seen better performances in watching paint dry as it was less painful than the acting presented.


Err... Well... Frankly this flick is bad, even for a B movie. Not enough humor (intentional or not), a sad lack of imagination, terribly hollow characters and very uninspired acting. Not bad enough to be unintentionally funny, either.For the rest, you get what you could expect from an animal terror movie with low budget and an emphasis on quantity over quality.The only good moment was when a couple of teenage girls started wading in fish entrails using a combination of ax and shotgun while the male supporting character barely managed to avoid his genitals being turned into fish food.Had the survival of the fittest theory applied, the fish would have won. Maybe this was a political movie after all ?I found it sad to see Boxleitner spouting one uninspired line after the other with a slightly hesitant half smile. I'll go and re-watch a few Babylon 5 key episodes to wash away this disappointment.As for animal attack movies of the fishy kind, I recommend frankenfish instead.


A shocker in ever sense of the word, even the usually fit biologist looked like she'd fallen asleep with a bot-ox needle stuck in her face, I couldn't work out most of the film, like the 'shock' on peoples faces when they saw something, but we (the viewer) didn't get to see, like the insides of the snakeheads gut's on the pier, the old bloke in the chair etc. etc. unless i was just watching a cut version but I cant believe they would bother cutting this tripe. The lake was nice and pretty but basically that was the only thing worth watching about this pathetically lame film. If a snake head fish started crawling after me I'd boot it in the head. There is no way any snakehead fish could kill me, the one that looked like a whale at the end might have a go but lets be honest you're never going to get snakehead fish that big. If they were going to include a monster snakehead fish the size of a whale at the finale why didn't they have it do something, like rear up out of the water and swallow someone like miss bot-ox? All the giant snakehead did was bang into the jetty a couple of times like can't you see the jetty pal.. oh please don't bang into the jetty its so frightening, I could have picked it off with a catapult. I quite like monster films but prefer them not to be made into comedies, it just feels like everyone involved in movies like this are in it for one thing, money, not credibility and certainly not to provide viewer satisfaction.


Although this movie is predictable and hokey, it is based on a real, live fish: the Northern Snakehead. This fish does indeed "walk" on land and breathes air in addition to filtering water through gills. This part, at least, is true. This fish has become the bane to many a concerned biologist's existence on the East coast. Although this movie, as do many of this nature, exaggerates the ferocity of the Northern Snakehead (it only devours fish, especially it's competitor the large mouth bass) it's still diverting to watch. "Snakehead Terror" is filled with empty-headed teens, stubborn adults, and the know-it's-going-to happen pairing of a "tough manly" man and a "sexy but intelligent" woman. If looking for information on the subject of Invasive Exotics, this movie is NOT for you.
