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The Incredible Melting Man

The Incredible Melting Man (1977)

December. 01,1977
| Horror Science Fiction

An astronaut exposed to cosmic rays outside of Saturn's rings returns to Earth and begins to melt away. Escaping from the hospital, he wanders around the backwoods looking for human flesh to eat.


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So much average


This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

Jenni Devyn

Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.


When I was a kid growing up in Glasgow, Scotland, in the eighties, there was this video shop on Alexandra Parade that displayed all sorts of films that looked terrifying to my tiny mind. The priest with the bloody head on the cover of The Boogeyman, the lady being eaten by worms coming out of her shower on the cover of Squirm, and of course the cover of the Incredible Melting Man.Finding nothing better to do in my adulthood, I have sought out all of the above (and countless more) and can say that the disparity between projected terror and the actual hilarity of the film itself is rather large. This film is bad, but it's also great! In a bad way.They have quite a good idea for a movie monster, then just send him wandering out into the wilderness while the worst man hunt in history takes place. Half-arsed? No arsed. These (two!) guys get tired and need snacks/booze and one of them even has a nap! Brilliant.So we've got an astronaut who looked at the sun through the rings of Saturn and is now melting and leaving bits of himself all over the countryside while chowing down on people. It's so much funnier than it sounds. He just wanders about while another guy kind of follow his piles of goo while shouting his name (it's Steve) while also continually introducing himself to everyone too (his name is Ted Benson - get used to hearing that by the way).You've also got smoking kids, fat nurses running through glass in slow motion, old people being annoying, an amazing hilarious end to our monster, and so on and so forth. This is a great bad movie. I never get tired of watching it!


When people talk about MST3K they talk about how bad the movies featured on the show are, but actually most of these movies are very decent some of them even good, yes, some of them are pretty bad too, The Incredible Melting Man its a decent one, a fun cheese monster movie, its a remake of the First Man Into Space, it was originally supposed to be a parody or a throw back to comics or sci-fi, but it ended up as a mess, but a very enjoyable mess, the effects are very well done as they were made by Rick Baker, its pretty gory at times, the movie doesn't mess around it gives you what you want right from the beginning there's a monster killing people, its very entertaining, I would recommend it to those who are interested.

Richard Schalij

This film is a sad commentary on man's vanity and unslaked need for supportive professional relationships. Well, not really, it's actually a schlocky, campy, and very odd "horror movie". No it's never scary except for maybe the fact that it tries to be an actual horror film/friendship lost and regained drama lol, but misses the mark so horribly. It does however move along fairly well and kept me watching due to it's accidentally amusing nature. Burr DeBenning does an okay job as the protagonist, but what a silly script he had to work with, dialogue that's often unwittingly funny, or just lousy. A good example is the kitchen scene when Dr. Ted phlegmatically announces that his supposedly valued friend and colleague Steve escaped and is "just a little bit" radioactive,lol, but the Dr. is inexplicably more concerned about his wife going to the store for crackers.SPOILER ALERT: I loved the mother-in law and her boyfriend in the '66 Impala, for a moment I though I was watching a John Waters film, but alas they had to be eaten alive by Steve for cellular sustenance.Rick Baker's proved talent was wasted on this one, and this is not his best work by far.


I saw the last half of this on TV once when I was about 7 years old and it stuck with me all these years. By chance I just recently found out the title of this movie. the main character is a monster and a victim a bit like Frankenstein. The final scene the Melting Man wears out and dissolves into a pile to be cleaned up by a janitor soon after. No epic battle, no fight to the death just a sad ending to an astronaut hero exposed to strange radiation.The makeup design is horrifying and is probably closer to what would happen to you if you were exposed to strange cosmic rays - rather than getting superpowers like stretching and invisibility.Turns out the makeup was created by Oscar award winner Rick Baker and it shows... it's really horrifying, You will not be able to eat while watching this film.Highly flawed in many ways, excellent in many ways
