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Five Across the Eyes

Five Across the Eyes (2006)

October. 01,2006
| Horror

On their way home from a high school football game, five teenage girls become hopelessly lost. When they stop to get directions at a desolate store, the girls are involved in a minor fender bender which leaves an unattended SUV one headlight short. Inexperienced and frightened that they'll get into trouble, the girls flee the scene of the accident and speed away down the dark and unfamiliar roads. As they blindly make their way across an area the locals call THE EYES, the girls are suddenly shocked to see one lone headlight appear behind them. As the driver of the damaged SUV begins one terrifying assault after another, the five girls will lose their innocence and possibly their lives in this brutal and shocking thrill ride.


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Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.


The Worst Film Ever


Excellent, Without a doubt!!


The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.


I really liked the part where they were in the car and screaming and confused, which luckily for me was about the length of the whole movie. This is always been a fetish of mine to be scaring girls like that (harmless of course) This movie helped me figure out what I want to be when I grow up, a spooky man chasing girls in the dark with my car. To bad I'm a skinny wimp who can't beat up even woman. It all started when I was younger and fell of my bike and my mom gave me so many kisses that I started to fall even more on purpose (once time she even kissed my mouth) I link this movie with the events of my mother kissing me. I think only psychopaths like this movie like me and i'm really happy I bought it for only 10 bucks in the movie store!

Kat Webb

Well what can I say about this movie. First you have the opening titles with music that sounds like the opening to a cheesy 80s gameshow.I think the initial motivation for the girls being chased by the crazed woman was not the broken headlight like we were lead to believe but she was trying to rob the store and she was concerned the girl might of seen something. In the seen where she makes the girls take off their clothes outside the car she says "How much did you see!?" although it understandable many people may not have heard that as there is so much screaming and yelling over the dialog in many places.As for the scene where she makes them strip off. Disappointing. We only get to see the girls from behind even although 2 or 3 of them are wearing bras.After the 38th minute the story seemed to lose consistency and it got a little boring. Mostly just scenes with the girls arguing about what to do next "Let's vote on it..." and scenes with regret and blame "This never would've happened if you hadn't have done this..." and "This never would've happened if I hadn't have done that..." as if they were trying to make the movie have the right length.The girls themselves weren't all that nice and I really didn't care if all five of them died. There was the one who covered her face in sticky plasters which I found completely ridiculous. If you are in a life or death situation you do not notice mere skin wounds.At the end all five of the girls stabbed the woman to death using a screw driver. At least two of the girls should've been in no condition to do this because of their injuries. The girl who got shot in the arm and made to swallow fish hooks (who didn't even have any blood around her mouth funnily enough) and the girl who got stabbed between the legs with a screwdriver.I feel this movie is fairly good and follows a plot although it is not too clear what that is but there is far too much vomit in it for my taste.I still give it 10/10 because it is an enjoyable. distraction for 90 minutes.


I can't believe I saw this movie. This is one of the worst films i've seen in 2006. The film doesn't even have a plot, it's just 5 teens being chased by a crazy lady. THE END! And the shaky cam makes me nauseous. It works for films like "Blair Witch Project" because that was shot like a documentary, but for a film like this it makes you think the cameraman was drunk. Plus, the main teens are really annoying.I mean, compare this film to Pulse, which came out that same year as this movie, that film was bad, but at least it was entertaining and had a plot. Also, what was up with the lady trying to kill them, she did mention something about her family but it's never mentioned again in this film.Overall, Five Across The Eyes is REALLY BAD. On top of that, it physically hurts to watch.I give it 1/10. I HATE THIS MOVIE!


One of the most terrible movies I ever seen. I understand that the budget was not great ($4,000 according to IMDb). But a small budget can only explain things like equipment, film... but it can't explain a bad writing or terrible acting.This movie is from top to bottom full of lame excuses to keep the weak story going on. How can a woman attack 5 girls at the same time without problems? In one scene the 5 girls are together and the crazy woman attacks one by one. While one is attacked, the others are lost in the scene or too hysterical to help their friends. The girl being tied to the car seat is a too damn stupid scene. All that she could do was to literally watch the crazy woman tying her. She almost helped the woman.The acting is just terrible. The woman is crazy, OK. The girls are scared, fine. But do they need to scream during 90% of the time? Even when the talk to each other they are screaming. It is too much scream that makes the viewer want to stop watching the movie.I'm surprised how the director managed to finish the movie in 90 minutes with a story that could be told in 30 minutes. And if the writer was good enough, a short good movie could be made. Indeed, I kept watching the movie because I thought that it was a short movie and that soon it would get to the end.Terrible production!
