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Casting Couch

Casting Couch (2013)

March. 12,2013
| Comedy

Desperate to meet new girls, six down-on-their-luck guys come up with the ultimate plan to hook up - cast a fake movie. When tons of hot chicks show up for the audition, it's a matter of who's willing to go the farthest to get the part.


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I'll tell you why so serious


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


This has got to be one of the worst films I have ever watched!!! I was soo bored because it never got interesting and half of the actors were terrible, it was like they were reading the script instead of actually ACTING out the script. If this was done on good actors then I would actually have enjoyed it because the story line itself is a good idea. But it was like I was forcing myself to watch it simply because I felt like it had to get better I kept saying to myself 'Its going to get better' But sadly it didn't. I don't understand how the lead actor got that role I mean I can act better than that, I felt sooo annoyed at the fact that it was completely too fake, and the main actor especially could not act. My stress levels were really high watching this! I think I silently laughed once throughout the whole thing.I wouldn't waste your time on this nothing interesting at all, after watching nearly all of it I had to click off it because it was that awful.And if you do decide to watch it you will realise what I mean with the actors not being able to act! ('You had one job') .

Sam Smith

Make no mistake, this is not a high dollar production. It doesn't have any particularly big names in it, and the script is not a masterpiece in it's own right. What it lacks in those areas it makes up for by casting really really hot girls.That is not to say the rest of the cast did a bad job, I think they did great considering the nature of the film. I do have to give this a 6 though. I feel like they could have done so much more with those ladies. Where's the obligatory walking in on the couple doing the horizontal boogaloo? Where's the wild girl on girl action? I know this isn't an adult film, but it is unrated so why not capitalize on it? If you just want to watch something that will entertain you and leave you with a overall good feeling at the end I would recommend this film. If you are looking for high-octane high-dollar thrills just keep moving.


So, last night was movie night. I get to pick one movie and my bf gets to pick the other movie. So he picked this movie, and I was honestly really not looking forward to it. It just seemed like a movie made for "dudes". Now I won't sugar coat it. It is a movie made with "dudes" in mind. However, as I watched the film I started to see a romantic undercurrent beginning to flow.These guys all go into their project trying to bang their dream girls only to realize they are actually falling in love with them. It's actually really sweet. Production quality is good, colors are rich, editing is on target.The titling between some of the scenes is DREADFUL. They should have just edited it out. Other than that little tidbit it's really not a bad film at all. Pretty good for date night. :)


This movie probably throws ya off with the poster, but the trailer nails it. It's a mockumentary... and a really funny movie if you like mockumentaries. I thought the acting was good and the writing was really fast and really clever. It's funny to me to see some passionate hard-core reviews on this really good film. Either sad, jealous, horny teenagers that couldn't get a movie on the shelves themselves... or some lame ass actor who auditioned and didn't get in the movie! Hah. I actually live in LA, appreciate good filmmaking and saw this at a film festival. The sold out crowd freakin' loved it and I'm happy to see it doing so well. Kudos to the filmmakers on a well made indie film. It's well cut, slick and with great characters. Oh, and yeah... there are some tits and ass in the movie, but that's not why I watched it or enjoyed it.
