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Extraterrestrial (2011)

June. 15,2012
| Comedy Science Fiction

Everyone knows what to do if one morning the sky would be absolutely full of UFOs: run as fast as you can. However, what would happen if the invasion started while you are in the flat of the girl of your dreams, the one you have just met?


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Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.


hyped garbage

Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

Abbigail Bush

what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.


Don't you love it when a film can actually sneak up on you and surprise you, genuinely, and reveal itself to be something what is advertised ?In this case, how many alien invasion movies have we had in the past couple of years? The past couple of months even? Nacho Vigalondo's follow-up to his cult-sensation Timecrimes (sadly unseen by me) is a film that is nominally about a spaceship hovers over Madrid. Will it be an action movie, a thriller, something icky or something inquisitive (or all of the above,like in. Prometheus)?As it turns out, the alien invasion is somewhat of a cover, though not entirely, for what is really one of those often returned to tropes that I love when done right in films— an infidelity drama that spirals out of control. In this case, the film opens on a one-night-stand couple, Julio (Villagran) and Julia (Jenner, ho-ho), who awake a little disorientated, not sure what happened the previous and then notice the streets outside are abandoned and a giant spaceship in the sky. There is also a noisy neighbor, Angel (Areces) and the arrival a short time later of Julia's boyfriend, Carlos (Carlos Cimas), who is a genuinely nice and clueless guy.The first mistake Julio makes is to let slip to Angel about what happened the night before. After this, the spiral starts: how to not have Angel reveal the truth to Carlos, which involves Julio convincing Carlos that Angel is "one of them," the invading aliens. In what skates the line (like in a lot of the film) between comedy and actual suspense, Julio and Carlos bind and gag Angel (in one of those scenes where none of the characters are sure what to do, but have set the pieces in motion and have to follow them through). The paranoia continues with Carlos reaching out to confront other "extraterrestrials" that have landed. But this, in turn, leads to more sex between Julio and Julia while Carlos roams the streets. Lies spur on more lies. And then more craziness. And Angel returns. And why should I keep going on? The fun in Extraterrestrial is seeing what these characters will do when someone withholds information that should be trivial in the scope of, say, possible imminent doom. I've seen the film described in a couple of reviews as a romantic comedy, and it could be to an extent. But for me, its effectiveness is more as a kind of noir-ish story of a couple who shouldn't be lovers but are, and the comedy comes from their surprises and stumbles. However, the plot with Carlos isn't so funny as he becomes a sort of one-man crusader against the invasion that isn't really happening (or is it?).Vigalondo leads the audience in different directions as to where the story might go, but far from being confused, I was totally engaged. He has a solid sense of direction (how he tracks in and out of rooms at certain moments is psychologically satisfying, and has a touch of Hitchcock to it), and just when you think something might finally give with the Julio/Julia's conflict—to tell or not to tell the truth—the movie takes another turn altogether. And yet there is still some ambiguity (maybe) by the end of it all as to what is really going on, who may or may not be an alien in human disguise.Among the 2012 summer, overloaded with extraterrestrials and upteenth special effects, Vigalondo made a real sleeper, with unpredictable characters, wonderful performances, and a story that unfolds with real surprise and dramatic/comic consequences.


Yes, I really enjoyed this..."whatchamacallit" comedy? Black humor…?Fake sci-fi as the background to a forbidden love story…? Because that's what it is, without all the romance, but with all the cheating caused after one night stand. I wasn't disappointed at all, even though the ending weakened for a couple of minutes. To be honest it gave me some smiles, a laugh and a satisfied grin on my face after the final credits.Unfortunately for those waiting for E.T and fireworks… well, change the channel! But if you are a guy that had given up on the girl of your dreams to do what is right, or if you are the girl, who wanted the "other" guy, well this movie is for you.This is one of those occasions when I am more than "happy" because I speak and understand perfect Spanish even if it is from Spain, because the movie is fun to watch after you discard the expectations for little green Martians.The movie is not slow, it just elaborates the proper scenario for the situations and circumstances, it's a story of the absurdities of a particular situation on the first two days of what could have been the antithesis of "Independence Day" (1996).The acting is really good: a little flat for "Carlos" (Raúl Cimas) still, acceptable, and "Angel" (Carlos Areces) does a good obnoxious and insufferable neighbor, Julián Villagrán ("Julio") does a very believable role(I only wish not have seen his nudity!) and finally, I am looking forward to see more of ("Julia") Michelle Jenner's acting work! So, thumbs up to this one, just remember no "E.T" in it, just a couple of explosions.


A guy wakes up in the apartment of a beautiful girl, remembering nothing from the night before. Before he has a chance to leave, they realize aliens have come in giant flying saucers and the government evacuated everybody, except them. Two other actors enter the stage and it all turns into a Woody Allen style comedy. Well, Mr. Allen's films are a lot better usually, but still, funny enough.Maybe it was disappointing a little that the aliens never actually did anything but appear in the sky - one feels a little cheated given the title of the film - but the movie itself was original and had some really funny moments. FHM and Man cover girl Michelle Jenner is a real beauty as well, which pretty much explains why every other (male) actor in the film does what he does.However that doesn't mean the film is flawless. At times it gets a little boring and the characters are a little too caricaturesque for my taste. The film surprised me, and I liked it, but it can go either way.


There are so many great films coming out lately from around the world. What's crazy is that some of the ones that get the most praise don't always connect with everyone. The Spanish made film Extraterrestrial is the latest meeting this criteria, but also sports the sci-fi comedy genre that gives it the unique opportunity to deliver something new to the genre, but can it make it work or will it just be a wasted invasion.Extraterrestrial follows a guy and girl as they wake up from an apparent one night stand only to find out that the world is full of UFO's. As if that wasn't enough, they have to deal with the girl's boyfriend and the creepy neighbor which might be even more trouble than the invasion. On the surface this movie works pretty well, but overall it misses the mark at times. The cast is great and do a great job bouncing off the clever dialogue to create a dry funny overall film. What takes somewhat away from this movie is the UFO aspect. While this does set up some reasoning behind the bigger story for them to play off of, it really serves little to no purpose for the film itself. There is nothing ever really done with it other than being a back drop and makes the final experience seem a bit lacking. Another major issue is the ending. It builds up with all the tensions and issues with all involved only to just kind of end with little to no resolution.Believe it or not this is an entertaining movie that should have been way better than it was. Overall once it ends, it just feels like it was all for nothing since nothing ever really happens. If you're looking for something a bit different then this movie will entertain and do the job, just be sure to steer clear of the expectations of the sci-fi aspect. Be warned, this is a subtitled movie so unless you speak Spanish be prepared to read.http://www.examiner.com/movie-in-dallas/bobby-blakey
