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Grizzly Rage

Grizzly Rage (2007)

June. 07,2007
| Adventure Horror Action Thriller

After accidentally killing a bear cub while celebrating graduation in the woods, four teens become the target of a seemingly unstoppable Grizzly.


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Good , But It Is Overrated By Some


Absolutely Fantastic


Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast


It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,


starts of as a typical teenage road trip flick but soon things goes wrong as these kids are stupid,brainless to the extreme they don't even use common sense they go into a banned restricted area and get trapped they kill a bear cup first after that the big large grizzly bear comes after them all of them die one by one.forget the acting these guys are not actors except Kate Todd she is the only eye candy here along with the bear who i think deserves some award he seems to be the only great actor here despite the bad script was given to him.the financiers of this project were bored i guess or they wanted to waste some money for some fun or no reason at all just whoever wrote this and directed was smoking some heavy pot.you keep waiting for the film to get better at some point but hell no it tries its best to annoy you and waste your time and money i mean who would even think of making such nonsense.this crap is made for people who have never seen a film in their life or have no taste in entertainment calling this a film itself is a insult to cinema.ill tell you what just do not accept this film even if someone offers you this for free just buy a large good cake on a evening and enjoy yourself with some tea it is better then wasting cash on this crap.the bear was hungry for some food and boy did he got some i have no sympathy for these idiots all of them deserved to be eaten by the bear they were bad people they never respected fellow humans,animals or life in general.Overall Grizzly Rage 2007 takes the Oscar for being the coolest worst film ever made so if you are a crack head or have nothing to do in your life then this is for you my rating is 1/10:skipp it


Three words: grizzly bears are awesome. I was serious when I said this is the best movie I have ever seen. None can rival it. It makes Shindler's List look like a flop. So often people misconstrue the true nature of an angry grizzly mother. Seriously. Even if it would send you into bankruptcy, you NEED to purchase the 8-disc DVD set with over 246 hours of special features. It's amazing that only $15 million was spent on this fantastic 13 out of 10 star film. Say goodbye to fame, Steven Spielberg, David DeCoteau is the new king of directing.Now that I'm finished talking about how fantastic this movie is, I'll tell you why.1. You should have known the entire time that the grizzly would win. They can fly, for crying out loud, and they can shoot quills at you. 2. GRIZZLY RAGE 3. It has some of the most brilliant dialogue ever conceived. For example, "What's a bear doing all the way out here...?" (they're in a forest). 4. The only thing more dangerous than an angry mama grizzly is a space grizzly. 5. It had the best ending of any movie. Ever. Period. Semicolon. Exclamation mark.Simply put:GRIZZLY RAGE!


The movie seems to start out with the makings of a good Sci-Fi Channel creature flick - average acting, questionable plot, teenagers in the middle of nowhere, and a mutant bear. How did it go so wrong? (I mean that seriously.)I am of the persuasion that if you don't want to see a bad movie, you would not be watching (or even looking up) a movie with "Grizzly" in the title. Hence it is not fair to hold the movie's own lousiness against it - you should have known that, expected that, and indeed -hoped- for that going in. So disregard anyone giving this movie a 1 right off the bat - if you were looking for a masterpiece, and picked this to watch, you aren't too bright yourself.But here's a review for the -rest- of the crowd, people who wanted something crummy, low-budget, with mediocre acting and bad special effects - something comparable to all the other Sci-Fi channel movies. I -love- those movies, and appreciate the fact that their crumminess is part of their charm. But I think what the writers here failed to realize is that there's a difference between eating a delicious steak a few bites at a time, and having 72 ounces crammed down your throat at once. (Maybe comparing a delicious steak to a movie's crumminess isn't the best metaphor, but it's the best I could come up with). The point is there's just too much awfulness to take in, and it's just unpleasant.The first maybe 30 minutes or so are actually pretty decent, but after that the movie just sort of meanders around and nothing happens (I don't mean in terms of plot - no plot is fine, but no action? Come on.) In hindsight, I should have expected this - after all, how much can really happen between 4 teens and a bear? So although special effects, acting, etc are more or less on par with other Sci-Fi Channel movies, this movie fails in the one place a lousy movie never should - it fails to entertain. And without any entertainment value, all the other weaknesses begin to shine through, and you realize just how bad it really is.So - I'd recommend pretty much anything else. If you have your heart set on the bears-attack genre, "Grizzly Park" was not too bad. If you want a decent Sci-Fi Channel movie, "Aztec Rex" was pretty awesome. If all else fails, I guess watch this, but maybe consider doing your taxes during the middle hour to throw in some excitement.

Ray Humphries

I don't get what everyone is complaining about. This flick has something for everyone: cute, sweet blond chick (Kate Todd) for the guys; undressed male hunk (Tyler Hoechlin) for the girls; grizzly wins (for the tree huggers); and a really, really stupid bunch of characters (not the cast) for Darwin! It starts with four new high school grads, one maybe the valedictorian, who set out on a summer excursion, but change their planned destination by a vote of three to one. We start thinking maybe this is going to be a parody on blond jokes since the sweetie is the only one for sticking to the plan.But no, off they go to break into a restricted area. Then racing down an unfamiliar curvy, dirt road at 60 mph, the driver hits a bear cub and rams a tree, sticking a limb trough the radiator. Gosh, no water and momma bear is ticked.Two of the crew get busted up by the bear while trying to find water, the initial driver terminally, and the other three scarper in the truck (apparently the radiator is self healing). Then the injured mate (ah, los amigos... is this LA or Manitoba?) decides they can't leave their dead buddy and wrestles with the driver until they wreck.The driver then starts on a 20 klick run (in flip-flops no less) for help, but momma bear has him for porridge. After several other unbelievable misadventures the girl and the male stripper trap the bear in a building and stand around congratulating themselves (the innate blondness finally comes through), until the bear breaks down the door and comes out to eat them.Darwin rules!
