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Abraham (1993)

December. 12,1993
| Adventure Drama TV Movie

Rather than choosing a great leader or king, God chooses Abraham, an elderly shepherd from Mesopotamia, as the way to establish his Covenant with mankind... A man of great faith, Abraham continues to believe in God even when He seems to have abandoned him.


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Pretty Good


If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


Great Film overall


A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


This is an engaging movie, however, it is not among the best Biblical adaptations. It does well in holding true to scripture with some'creative license' for areas that are vague.The film really brings us to a greater place of understanding the reality of what took place back then. As I stated in another review of a Biblical film - One of the mysteries of the Bible is in the manner which people spoke and communicated in various scenarios. Did the person express agitation or anger when he/she said this/that? Or were they always full of patience and grace? Were they serious in appearance, or did they smile often? Each movie and play we view that is an adaptation is a creation of another persons thought of how things were possibly said and done. The creator of this film made most things believable.I really appreciated how this film made Hagar's story prominent. Rather than thinking of her as merely a disobedient servant, or a jealous, conniving woman, we come to understand the depths of the role and status that she had to endure in this life. Slaves at that time were rarely allowed to marry or have children at all. Their owners were their lives. She got just a taste of what it would be like to have a husband and a family - a life. A film that can bring the life out of an ancient book is worth paying attention to. I would recommend this.


This little TV movie was a masterpiece. It's one of Richard Harris' most brilliant roles as he seems to become Abraham. The movie takes us on a journey from Abraham's initial trek to an unknown land, to the birth of Ishmael and Isaac. Barbara Hershey couldn't have been better as Sarah. The portrayal of the Egyptian pharaoh, the voice of God that speaks to Abraham -- all the way to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra and the close call with Isaac -- all were done with taste and sensitivity. As some have pointed out, the special effects often looked like overlays, but it didn't adversely affect the power of the film.The movie covers a lot of ground and while it is long the time goes by quickly because the acting was so beautifully realized. Harris' portrayal of Abraham truly is emotional and realistic. The cast and crew handled the topic with sensitivity and like so many other religious films, this one stays focused on the story and shuns proselytizing, goopy music or silly dialog. This film does not suffer from any of those common problems. I'd highly recommend this film. Well worth the experience.


AND A WONDERFULLY DONE ONE OF THOSE AT THAT! Hershey is stunning in her remake of Ava Gardner's Original Portrayal of Sarah the matriarch (As she is in ANYTHING, INCLUDING MARY MAGDALENE 1988!) Richard Harris, The WIcked Brother Cain, from 1966, is brought back 28 years later to play the Father of the Faithful, AND A WONDERFUL FATHER HE PLAYS TOO! confused at the end of the sacrifice he make to prove his faith to God, as was George C Scott in 1966, He proves himself a Giant of Faith in the End, The Destruction of Sodom And Gomorrah remake was brilliant as was 1966. I would highly recommend this for anybody recently converting to Christianity. ***** out of *****. EXCELLENCE!


Richard Harris does a fine job of portraying the old testament prophet, Abraham, a man who hears God tell him to take his people and leave the unholy land of Ur of the Chaldees. This takes the group on a journey of many hardships before finally coming to the place God had in mind. The film did not follow the words of the Holy Bible right down the line, but the production was well done just the same; and the locales filmed, if not in the mid-east, certainly looked authentic.
